MAE5005 高等计算流体力学
Advanced Computational Fluid Mechanics
Course Credit/Hours
Open to undergraduates
or not
MAE303 流体力学 或者 MAE207 工程流体力学
Fluid Mechanics OR Engineering Fluid Mechanics
Direct numerical simulations of complex flows are now viewed as a third pillar for scientific discovery, due to
high-speed computers and advanced algorithms. In many fields including multiphase flows, direct numerical
simulation provides a rigorous research tool by solving first-principle governing equations. High-performance
fluid-flow simulation is an area of rapid growth and is interdisciplinary covering physics of fluid flows,
algorithms, and parallel implementation, etc. This course is designed for students to quickly learn and
compare various simulation methods and to obtain some hands-on experience.
Overview of computational methods for viscous flows including finite difference, finite-volume, finite
element, spectral, and mesoscopic Boltzmann-equation based methods. Treatment of fixed and moving
solid-fluid and fluid-fluid boundaries. Example codes to study physical and numerical issues such as
numerical convergence, accuracy, and stability.
Direct numerical simulation of viscous flows at finite Reynolds numbers using finite
difference based methods.
Direct numerical simulation of viscous flows at finite Reynolds numbers using finite-volume
based methods.
Direct numerical simulation of viscous flows at finite Reynolds numbers using finite element
based methods.
Direct numerical simulation of viscous flows at finite Reynolds numbers using spectral
based methods.
Direct numerical simulation of viscous flows at finite Reynolds numbers using mesoscopic
Boltzmann-equation based methods.