1、利率和债券:复利,贴现,债券,收益率,久期,凸性,无风险利率(4 学时)
Interest rates and bonds: compounding, discounting, bonds, yield, duration, convexity, risk free rates
2、投资组合和资本资产定价模型:分散风险,均值标准偏差图,有效前沿,优化,资本市场线,贝塔系数(8 学时)
Portfolio selection and CAPM: diversification, mean standard deviation diagram, efficient frontier, optimization,
capital market line, beta,
(8 学时)
Forwards and futures: forward contract, forward price, no arbitrage principle, valuation of forward contracts, futures,
futures price, long/short hedge, cross hedging
型,波动率微笑(8 学时)
Options and option pricing: calls and puts, European put-call parity, American options, option spreads and
combinations, binomial model, Black-Scholes-Merton model, volatility smile
5、数值方法及其他前沿量化金融话题(4 学时)
Computational methods and other contemporary topics in quantitative finance
参考教材 Textbook:
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives (10th Edition), John.C.Hull, 2017, ISBN-10: 9780134472089, ISBN-13: 978-
Investment Science, David G. Luenberger, 1997, ISBN-10: 0195108094, ISBN-13: 978-0195108095.
Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering, David Ruppert and David S. Matteson, 2015, ISBN-10:
1493926136, ISBN-13: 978-1493926138