本课程共 32 课时,每次 4 课时,共 8 次课。课程内容如下:
This course has a total of 32 course hours, 4 course hours each, a total of 8 classes. The
course content is as follows:
第一次课:环境伦理中的案例研究方法(4 课时)
Class: Cases Studies in Environmental Ethics (4 course hours)
A. 环境伦理的各大流派介绍
Introduction to the major schools in environmental ethics
B. 环境伦理的案例研究理论必要性
The theoretical importance on cases studies approach in environmental ethics
C. 环境伦理与文学、心理学、法律等学科的交叉
Environmental ethics and its relationship with literature, psychology and law.
D. 环境伦理的基础地位
The importance of Environmental Ethics in case studies
第二次课:什么是荒野?城市各种废弃地转换为荒野是不是更好,还是转换为田园? (4 课时)
Class: What is wilderness? It is better for the wasteland in city transformed into wilderness rather than
farmland? (4 course hours)
A. 荒野的定义:不同文化的视角
How wilderness is defined in different cultures and laws?
B. 城市的空间与野生动物生存的空间如何共存?
Can the space in the city and living space of wild animals coexist in cities?
C. 城市展开的各种荒野设计实践
The world practice in designing wilderness space within cities
第三次课:城市化进程的加速是否让人失去了家园感? (4 课时)
Class: Will the fast urbanization process make people lose the sense of home? (4 course hours)
A. 如何界定家园?
How do we define home?
B. 现代科技文明与城市化带来的人类生存空间的变化
How does modern civilization of science and technology and fast urbanization process transform living
C. 城市空间的同质化与诗意的消逝
The homogenization of space within the city and loss of poetic meaning
D. 城市中如何建立家园感?需要设计荒野还是农耕?