第十周:中东欧国家 FDI、就业规模和就业结构(2 学时)
中东欧十七国经济发展中 FDI、就业规模和就业结构;
第十一周:中国与中东欧国家的农业合作(2 学时)
第十二周:“一带一路”框架下的“17+1 合作”1(2 学时)
第十三周:“一带一路”框架下的“17+1 合作”2(2 学时)
中国与中东欧国家的 “精准合作”;
第十四周:“一带一路”框架下的“17+1 合作”3(2 学时)
第十五周:中国与中东欧国家的外交关系 2(2 学时)
第十六周:期末小组展示(2 学时)
The course introduces the development of CEEC, including their politics, economy, history, culture,
education, science and technology and their interaction with China. Under the framework of the
“Belt and Road” Initiative, the course is aimed to demonstrate CEEC from the perspectives of the
witness of the cooperation between China and CEEC. The course plans to have one topic per
week, combining introduction, case studies, interaction with invited experts and related
documentaries, which helps students to deepen understanding of status-quo of CEEC as well as
to discuss solutions to the issues faced by the region.
Lecturer: Prof. LI Ming, Chair Professor of Center for Higher Education Research, Southern
University of Science and Technology, Director of International Centre for Higher Education
Innovation under the auspices of UNESCO
Week 1: An Introduction to CEEC I (2 Credit Hours)
An introduction to the location, topographic feature, and climate conditions of CEEC;
Week 2: An Introduction to CEEC II (2 Credit Hours)
An introduction to the geographical distribution, countries, population and its growth, and