An introduction to the foundation and development of ASEAN and its economic development;
Week 2: An Introduction to ASEAN II (2 Credit Hours)
New Progress in Regional Economic Integration of ASEAN;
Week 3: An Introduction to ASEAN III (2 Credit Hours)
Re-industrialization of ASEAN;
Week 4: History and Culture of ASEAM Countries I (2 Credit Hours)
History of ASEAN Countries;
Week 5: History and Culture of ASEAM Countries II (2 Credit Hours)
Culture of ASEAN Countries
Week 6: Development in Some ASEAN Countries I (2 Credit Hours) (2 Credit Hours)
Development of Indonesia and the “Belt and Road”;
Week 7: Development in Some ASEAN Countries II (2 Credit Hours)
Development of Malaysia and the “Belt and Road”;
Week 8: Development in Some ASEAN Countries III (2 Credit Hours)
Development of Singapore and the “Belt and Road”;
Week 9: Development in Some ASEAN Countries IV (2 Credit Hours)
Development of Vietnam and the “Belt and Road”;
Week 10: Marine Economy Development of ASEAN and South China Sea Issue I (2 Credit Hours)
Marine Economy Development of ASEAN;
Week 11: Marine Economy Development of ASEAN and South China Sea Issue II (2 Credit Hours)
South China Sea Issue and ASEAN;
Week 12: The Cooperation between China and ASEAN under the Framework of the “Belt and
Road” I (2 Credit Hours)
The Bilateral Relationship and Contemporary Cooperation between China and ASEAN;
Week 13: The Cooperation between China and ASEAN under the Framework of the “Belt and
Road” II (2 Credit Hours)