Specifically, participants will develop their entire academic English competence in the following areas by the end of
this course:
2.1 English proficiency
Academic Reading and Writing
1) Recognize and understand the use of the effect of assumptions in questions
2) Identify and understand the writer’s position/stance/attitude
3) Understands and use graphs and charts to support reading
4) Recognize and infer the meaning of technical vocabulary
5) Academic paraphrasing, summarizing and synthesizing
6) Identify and understand in-text referencing to support opinions in a text
7) Practice identifying and inferring connections made by the writer, and cause and effect in an academic context
Academic Speaking and Listening
1) Practice concurrent note-taking and listening
2) Learn to follow abstract argumentation while listening
3) Identify patterns in lectures, listen to follow scientific problems, make a presentation using visual aids
4) Listen to contributions in a non-standard accent, listen to follow rapid colloquial speech in lectures, prepare
and participate in a Q&A session
5) Prepare and deliver an academic presentation, deal with different lectures while listening
6) Adopt a critical stance on information, take part in an informal debate
7) Listen to follow the way a discussion develops and prepare and conduct a group discussion to evaluate a
2. 2 Cross-cultural competence
Be able to adapt effectively to cross-cultural environments:
1) Research in cultural context and background;
2) Development of skills and gaining of experience necessary to analyse particular situations involving cultural
3) Possibilities of getting rid of cultural barriers;
4) Analysis of cultural clusters and paying most attention to national cultures.