Sociology came into being in the era of drastic changes in European society in 1930s. It is the product of the
complication of social life, the sharpening of social contradictions and social problems. Since its birth,
sociologists explored the logics of society based on different theoretical foundations, tried to explain and
propose solutions to various social problems. This course provides us with a simple guide to steer a route
through the detail by summarizing the main ingredients of social research methods, their interrelationships
and background. This course is in four parts. Part I covers the main issues when beginning a research
project such as background theory, practical ways to plan and design our project, as well as how to acquire
the background material on which to base our studies. Part II presents the choices we have in methods of
collecting and analysing the information we need for our investigations depending on the type of research
that we are carrying out, and how we can come to conclusions based on the data we have collected. Part III
ethics are the rules of conduct in research. Two areas will be highlighted: honesty and integrity in the
writing and presentation of the research, and the due consideration for the people involved in the research
project. Part IV provides a simple guidance on how to write up our research in such a way that it is a full
record of what we have done and what conclusions we have come to. The key to success in this course is to
learn to think like a social science researcher, which will encourage us to widen our knowledge and research
capabilities so as to improve our skills in our future research.