1周. 钢琴演奏的基本理论,基本的钢琴音乐概念理论介绍。
Week 1. Introduction of basic theories of piano performance and basic concepts and theories of piano
2周. 录音技术的出现,黄金时代的钢琴大师(一):拉赫玛尼诺夫、罗森塔尔、布索尼、列文涅等
Week 2. Appearance of the recording technology and piano masters in golden age (I), Rachmaninoff, Rosenthal,
Busoni, Lhevinne et al.
3周. 录音技术的发展,黄金时代的钢琴大师(二):弗里德曼、帕德列夫斯基、莫伊赛维奇等
Week 3. Development of the recording technology and piano masters in golden age (II), Friedmann, Paderewski,
Moiseiwitsch et al.
4周. 俄国钢琴学派及其代表人物(一):里赫特、吉列尔斯
Week 4. Piano schools of Russia and the representatives (I), Richter, Gilels.
5周. 俄国钢琴学派及其代表人物(二):尼古拉耶娃、贝尔曼
Week 5. Piano schools of Russia and the representatives (II), Nikolayeva, Behrman.
6周. 俄国钢琴学派及其代表人物(三):索弗罗尼茨基、普列特涅夫
Week 6. Piano schools of Russia and the representatives (III), Sofronitsky, Pletnev
7周. 俄国钢琴学派及其代表人物(四):基辛、索阔洛夫
Week 7. Piano schools of Russia and the representatives (IV), Kissin, Sokolov
8周. 德奥钢琴学派及其代表人物(一):肯普夫、施那贝尔
Week 8. Piano schools of Germany and Austria and the representatives (I), Kempf, Schnabel
9周. 德奥钢琴学派及其代表人物(二):巴克豪斯、费舍尔
Week 9. Piano schools of Germany and Austria and the representatives (II), Backhouse, Fisher
10 周.德奥钢琴学派及其代表人物(三):阿劳、吉泽金
Week 10. Piano schools of Germany and Austria and the representatives (III), Arau, Gieseking
11 周.法国钢琴学派及其代表人物(一):科托
Week 11. Piano schools of France and the representatives (I), Cotto
12 周.法国钢琴学派及其代表人物(二):李帕蒂
Week 12. Piano schools of France and the representatives (II), Lipatti
13 周.法国钢琴学派及其代表人物(三):弗朗索瓦
Week 13. Piano schools of France and the representatives (III), François