“Three Masters of Lingnan”, initiators to reconcile the Chinese and Western
painting in the history of modern Chinese painting, held high the banner of “ Art
Revolution” , and promoted to create “ New Chinese Painting” by “ compromising the
Chinese and Western techniques, and combining of the ancient and modern. The Lingnan
School of Painting, as one of the most distinctive Lingnan cultures, is called “Lingnan
Sanxiu” together with Cantonese opera and Guangdong music, which is an important ethnic
painting genre in the history of Chinese painting as a revolutionary school of
traditional Chinese paintings. As a contemporary college student, especially in the
years of study in Guangdong, it is of great significance to understand the study of
Lingnan School and the excellent local culture and art in Lingnan. During the study,
students learn the principles of traditional Chinese painting and aesthetics taking the
Lingnan School of Painting as the starting point, so that they could develop certain
aesthetic criticism consciousness of Chinese painting with a basic knowledge of line-
drawing and fine brushwork painting.
1.Study Lingnan culture and appreciate excellent works of Lingnan School.
2.Get to know the skills and painting idea of Chinese painting, and can imitate and
create a painting with the techniques and ink of Chinese painting.
3.Master a basic knowledge of line-drawing and fine brushwork painting.