1. 什么是影视剧音乐?阐述影视剧音乐的艺术特征。(6 学时)
1. What is film and TV drama music? Explain the artistic characteristics of film and TV drama music. (6 credit
2. 影视剧音乐的构成和表现形式。(6 学时)
2. The composition and forms of film and TV drama music. (6 credit hours)
3. 影视剧音乐的审美和社会学价值,以及其历史发展概况。(4 学时)
3. The aesthetic and sociological value of file and TV drama music, and its historical development. (4 credit
4. 影视剧音乐精品分析,展示它的创作背景,音乐特点等内容。(10 学时)
4. Analysis of fine film and TV drama music pieces, and present its creation background, and musical
characteristics etc. (10 credit hours)
5. 让学生尝试自己分析经典影视剧音乐作品。(6 学时)
5. Let students try to analyse the classic film and TV drama music pieces independently. (6 credit hours)
参考资料:Supplementary readings:
1. 曾田力《影视剧音乐艺术》北京广播学院出版社.2003
1. Zeng Tianli, Film and TV Drama Music Art, Beijing Broadcasting Institute Press, 2003
2. 贾培源《电影音乐概论》浙江摄影出版社.1996
2.Jia Peiyuan, Introduction to Film Music, Zhejiang Photographic Publishing House, 1996
3. 曾田力 / 雷伟《电影电视剧音乐分析教程》.2006
3. Zeng Tianli/ Lei Wei, A Course of Film and TV Drama Music Analysis, 2006