Introduction of Music Theory and Solfeggio & Ear Training Course
1、音及音高,包含音,乐音体系、音列、音级,音的分组,音域及音区。(2 学时)
1. Tone and pitch, including tone, tone system, tone row, sound level, sound grouping, register and range (2 credit hours)
2、音律,包括自然半音、全音,变化半音、全音和等音等内容。(2 学时)
2. Temperament, including natural half-tone and whole tone, chromatic half-tone and whole tone, enharmonic notes, etc. (2
credit hours)
3、记谱法,介绍几种常用的记谱法,以五线谱记谱法为重点,正确的记谱对创作和表演都是十分重要的。(2 学
3. Notation method, including several common notation methods with a focus on stave (the correct notation is very important
for creation and performance) (2 credit hours)
4、视唱 C 大调(高音谱表) ,听辩四分音符、二分音符、全音符,听辨 2/4 拍。(4 学时)
4. Solfeggio of C major (treble staff), listening and discrimination of quarter notes, half notes, whole notes and 2/4 beats (4
credit hours)
5、视唱全音符、二分音符、四分音符、八分音符及其休止符相结合的曲目,听辩单音、旋律音程 3、听辩 3/4 拍子。
(4 学时)
5. Solfeggio of whole notes, tracks covering second notes, quarter notes, quavers and pauses, listening and discrimination of
single tones, melody interval 3, and 3/4 beats (4 credit hours)
6、视唱 F 谱表(低音谱表) ,听辩音群、多种音符相结合的节奏 ,听辩 4/4 拍子。(4 学时)
6. Solfeggio of F staff (bass staff), listening and discrimination of tone clusters, rhythm covering various notes, and 4/4 beats
(4 credit hours)
7、调式总论,主要包含大小调式体系和五声音阶。(2 学时)
7. General theory of mode, mainly including the system of majors and minors, and pentatonic scale. (2 credit hours)
8、视唱附点音符、切分音等,听辨带升降号的单音,听辨 3/8 拍。(2 学时)
8. Solfeggio of dotted notes and syncopes cut, listening and discrimination of single sharp and flat tones, and 3/8 beats (2
credit hours)
9、视唱不同时期、不同地域、不同风格的作品(6 学时)
9. Solfeggio of works in different periods, different regions and different styles (6 credit hours)
10. Review week
11、期末考试(2 学时)
11. Final exam (2 credit hours)