the autocorrelation function. Estimating the parameters of the model using
maximum likelihood estimation is quite essential. The teacher
how to use the moving average model for prediction as well.
Properties, estimate, and forecast of Auto-Regressive models
In this chapter, students will learn about the characteristics of AR
They are expected to grasp the stationary condition of AR process,
PACF, how to use the LS method
to estimate model’s parameters, and how to
test the model’s sufficiency of fitting the data through the Ljun-
Properties, estimate, and forecast of Auto-Regressive and Moving
Average models
his chapter will introduce the characteristics of the ARMA (1,1) model, and
the students will learn a
bout using the extended autocorrelation function
(EACF) to determine the order of the ARMA model, and how to use the
ARMA model for prediction.
Non-stationary time series and unit root test
In this chapter, students will learn about the unit root non-
series and the random walk time series with drift. At the same time,
teacher will introduce the time series with trend and the general unit root non-
stationary model, as well as the unit root test method.
Multivariate time series and Vector Auto-Regressive models
In this chapter, students will learn about financial econometrics models for
studying multivariate time series. They are expected to
cross-correlation matrix and the simple commonly used
model (VAR). The teacher
will illustrate the form and stationary conditions of
the VAR(1) model, how to estimate the parameters and how to test for the
specified VAR model.
Impulse response function and variance decomposition
This chapter will introduce the impulse response function and
decomposition for a fitted vector autoregressive model. The teacher will
demonstrate how to analyze financial data and make predictions based on the
learned models through statistical software.
Co-integration test and Error Correction Model
In this chapter, students will learn about the idea of co-integration, and co-
integrated VAR model estimations as well. The teacher will explain co-
integration test methods and error corrected models in details.
Mid-term Review
Review all of the contents covered in the former half semester and make
students prepare for the mid-term exam.
Properties, estimate, and forecast of ARCH models
In this chapter, stude
nts will begin to learn about the econometric models of
asset return volatilities. The teacher
will introduce the characteristics of
volatility, basic properties of the ARCH model,
the determination of the order
for ARCH model, the estimation of the parameters and the test of the model.
Properties, estimate, and forecast of GARCH models
In this chapter, students will learn about a model that could more fully
describe the volatility process of assets’ return: the generalized autoregressive
conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model. The teacher
will introduce the
basic properties of the GARCH model, what are the pros and cons of the
model, how to estimate the GARCH model by the two-
step estimation
method, and the prediction of the model.