Course Code/Title
Analysis of Financial Time Series
选修课 Elective Course
Course Credit/Hours
Teaching Language
中英双语 English & Chinese
孙便霞 SUN Bianxia
Open to undergraduates
or not
If the course is open to
undergraduates, please indicate the difference.
概率论与数理统计 Probability and Statistics MA212
Course Objectives
This course aims to teach students the classical models and analysis methods in the field of financial time
series. Besides mastering the theore
tical knowledge of time series models, students are also expected to be
capable of model
ling the time series data in real financial markets. In addition, this course also introduces
some related contents at the forefront of research in this field.
Teaching Methods
The theoretical contents of this course will be instructed in details in class, and the software R will be used in
the real applications of time series models.
Course Contents
Section 1
Characteristics of financial time series data
In this chapter, students will learn about the characteristics of financial time
series data, mainly related to the distribution of asset returns, the stability of
time series data, and how to make white noise test. Students are expected to
have a better foundation for future learning of financial time series models
Section 2
Properties, estimate, and forecast of Moving Average models
This chapter will illustrate the simple financial econometric mod
el for
modelling asset returns. Students will learn the moving average model,
including weak stationary property, reversible property. The teacher
also explain how to identify the order of the moving average model by using
the autocorrelation function. Estimating the parameters of the model using
maximum likelihood estimation is quite essential. The teacher
will introduce
how to use the moving average model for prediction as well.
Section 3
Properties, estimate, and forecast of Auto-Regressive models
In this chapter, students will learn about the characteristics of AR
They are expected to grasp the stationary condition of AR process,
the idea of
PACF, how to use the LS method
to estimate model’s parameters, and how to
test the model’s sufficiency of fitting the data through the Ljun-
Box statistic
Section 4
Properties, estimate, and forecast of Auto-Regressive and Moving
Average models
his chapter will introduce the characteristics of the ARMA (1,1) model, and
the students will learn a
bout using the extended autocorrelation function
(EACF) to determine the order of the ARMA model, and how to use the
ARMA model for prediction.
Section 5
Non-stationary time series and unit root test
In this chapter, students will learn about the unit root non-
stationary time
series and the random walk time series with drift. At the same time,
teacher will introduce the time series with trend and the general unit root non-
stationary model, as well as the unit root test method.
Section 6
Multivariate time series and Vector Auto-Regressive models
In this chapter, students will learn about financial econometrics models for
studying multivariate time series. They are expected to
grasp the concept of
cross-correlation matrix and the simple commonly used
vector autoregressive
model (VAR). The teacher
will illustrate the form and stationary conditions of
the VAR(1) model, how to estimate the parameters and how to test for the
specified VAR model.
Section 7
Impulse response function and variance decomposition
This chapter will introduce the impulse response function and
decomposition for a fitted vector autoregressive model. The teacher will
demonstrate how to analyze financial data and make predictions based on the
learned models through statistical software.
Section 8
Co-integration test and Error Correction Model
In this chapter, students will learn about the idea of co-integration, and co-
integrated VAR model estimations as well. The teacher will explain co-
integration test methods and error corrected models in details.
Section 9
Mid-term Review
Review all of the contents covered in the former half semester and make
students prepare for the mid-term exam.
Section 10
Properties, estimate, and forecast of ARCH models
In this chapter, stude
nts will begin to learn about the econometric models of
asset return volatilities. The teacher
will introduce the characteristics of
volatility, basic properties of the ARCH model,
the determination of the order
for ARCH model, the estimation of the parameters and the test of the model.
Section 11
Properties, estimate, and forecast of GARCH models
In this chapter, students will learn about a model that could more fully
describe the volatility process of assets’ return: the generalized autoregressive
conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model. The teacher
will introduce the
basic properties of the GARCH model, what are the pros and cons of the
model, how to estimate the GARCH model by the two-
step estimation
method, and the prediction of the model.
Section 12
Properties, estimate, and forecast of asymmetric GARCH models
In this chapter, students will learn about asymmetric GARCH models. The
teacher will introduce the asymmetric effects of the EGARCH model on
positive and negative return of assets, the estimation methods of the model,
and how to use the asymmetric GARCH model for prediction.
Section 13
Volatility estimates based on high-frequency data and market
In this chapter, students will learn about the unique characteristics of financial
high-frequency data and how to estimate the volatility based on high-
frequency data. Besides this, the teacher will introduce some core contents
related to market microstructure, such as asynchronous transactions, bid and
offer spread, and empirical characteristics of trading data.
Section 14
Risk measures and calculating methods of VaR
In this chapter, students will learn about the various ways to calculate the
value at risk (VaR). The teacher will introduce the concept of VaR, Risk
Metrics’s method and econometric methods of VaR calculation. The idea of
expected shortfall will also be covered.
Section 15
Introduction to factor models
In this chapter, students will learn the basic knowledge of macroeconomic
factor models, fundamental factor models, and statistical factor models. In the
part of fundamental factor models, the estimate methodology of BARRA
model will be introduced briefly.
Section 16
Project Presentation and Final Review
Students are required to present their project results in class. The teacher will
eview all of the contents covered in this course and make students prepare for
the final exam.
Course Assessment
1 考核形式 Form of examination
2 .分数构成 grading policy
3 如面向本科生开放,请注明区分内容。
If the course is open to undergraduates, please indicate the difference.
15%平时作业 + 10% 小测验 + 15%期末报告 + 30%期中考试 + 40%期末考试
15% Assignments + 10% Quiz + 15% Final Report + 30% Midterm Exam + 30% Final Exam
Textbook and Supplementary Readings
Ruey S. Tsay, Analysis of Financial Time Series, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2010.