1. Review of the syllabus and course overview (1 Lecture) 课程大纲和内容综述 (1 学时)
2. What is empirical research and what does empirical finance cover? (1 Lecture) 什么是实证研究;实证金融的内
容 (1 学时)
3. Efficient market hypothesis and event studies (4 Lectures) 有效市场理论和事件研究 (4 学时)
4. Efficient market hypothesis, Campbell-Shiller return decomposition, and time-series return predictability (9
Lectures including one quiz) 有效市场,Campbell-Shiller 收益率分解,和收益率可预测性 (9 学时,包括随堂小测)
5. Review CAPM and multi-factor models (2 Lectures) 回顾资本资产定价模型和多因子定价模型 (2 学时)
6. Evaluating linear factor models---time series tests, cross-sectional tests, and portfolio sorting approach (10
Lectures including lab tutorial) 评估线性因子定价模型—时间序列检验,横截面检验和投资组合排序 (10 学时 包括上机课)
7. Cross-sectional return predictability and Fama-MacBeth regression (4 Lectures including one quiz) 横截面股票
收益率可预测性和 Fama-MacBeth 回归 (4 学时 包括随堂小测)
8. CAPM anomalies-Size/Value/Momentum/Investment and implementation (4 Lectures including lab tutorial) 资
本资产定价模型异像—市值/价值/动量策略的实现 (4 学时 包括上机课)
9. Recent linear factor models---Fama-French five-factor models (3 Lectures) 最新的线性因子定价模型---Fama-
French 5 因子模型 (3 学时)
10. Volatility modelling-GARCH models and risk-return tradeoff (4 Lectures) 波动率建模-条件异方差模型和风险收益
率补偿关系 (4 学时)
11. Paper presentations (6 Lectures) 课堂学生演讲 (6 学时)
其他参考书 Other reference:
1. 投资学(英文版•原书第 9 版) 滋维•博迪 (Zvi Bodie), 亚历克斯•凯恩 (Alex Kane), 艾伦 J .马库斯 (Alan J.Marcus) ,
汪昌云 (注译), 张永冀 (注译)
2. John Y. Campbell, Andrew Lo, and A. Craig MacKinlay,1996,The Econometrics of Financial Markets.(Graduate-
level textbook in empirical asset pricing)
3. Quantitative financial economics, 2nd, 2004, Cuthbertson Keith, Nitzsche Dirk
4. Introductory Econometrics for Finance, 3rd, Chris Brooks
5. John C. Cochrane, 2005, Asset Pricing (Revised Edition). (Graduate-level textbook in asset pricing.)
6. Journal Articles