Lecture 7 (2 hours) AVL tree, Splay trees and B-trees(AVL 树,Splay 树和 B 树, 定义和实现)
Lecture 8 (2 hours) Hash: general idea, Hash function and separate Chaining(哈希的基本概念,函数
Lecture 9 (2 hours) Open addressing, linear probing, quadratic probing and double hashing(开放式
Lecture 10 (2 hours) Priority queues: model, simple implementation(优先队列的模型,简单实现)
Lecture 11 (2 hours) Applications of priority queues: the selection problem and event simulation(优
Lecture 12 (2 hours) d-Heaps, Leftist Heaps, Skew Heaps and Binomial Queues(d 堆,左堆,斜堆,
Lecture 13 (2 hours) Insertion Sort: algorithm and analysis(插入排序:算法和分析)
Lecture 14 (2 hours) Shellsort: algorithm and analysis (希尔排序法:算法和分析)
Lecture 15 (2 hours) Quicksort: algorithm and analysis(快速排序:算法和分析)
Lecture 16 (2 hours) Mid-term review and exercise(期中的复习和练习)
Lecture 17 (2 hours) Graph Algorithms: definition, terms and data structure(图的概念和相关术语,图
Lecture 18 (2 hours) Two search algorithms for graph(图的两种搜索算法与连通性,应用算法)
Lecture 19 (2 hours) Search tree structure: general idea and algorithm(在树结构和散列结构上进行查
Lecture 20 (2 hours) File, external sort and data structure for external storage(文件与外部排序,存储
Lecture 21 (2 hours) Recursion and backtracking: general idea and algorithm(递归与回溯: 基本思想
Lecture 22 (2 hours) Applications in Finance I: Blockchain (金融应用 I: 区块链)
Lecture 23 (2 hours) Applications in Finance II: artificial intelligence(金融应用 II: 人工智能)
Lecture 24 (2 hours) Final review and presentation(期末复习和报告)