Course Code/Title
Machine Learning in Geosciences
Course Credit/Hours
4 credits / 64 hours
Teaching Language
Arnaud MIGNAN,风险研究院&地球与空间科学系
办公室:创园 6 512
Prof. Arnaud MIGNAN, Institute of Risk Analysis, Prediction and Management,
Academy for Advanced interdisciplinary Studies; Department of Earth and Space
Email: mignana@sustech.edu.cn
Office: 511-3, 5th floor, building 6, Innovation Park
Open to undergraduates
or not
注明 If the course is open to
undergraduates, please indicate the difference.
Probability & Statistics, Introduction to Computer Programming
Course Objectives
This course will introduce the principles of machine learning and describe important machine learning applications in
geosciences. We will explore the main methods of machine learning for regression and classification, and while
supervised (deep) learning will be at the core of the course, basics of unsupervised learning and reinforcement
learning will also be covered. The main notions will be exemplified with textbook examples from the computer
science field and applied to various geoscience domains such as seismology, remote sensing, and geo-hazard
assessment (among others).
Upon completing the course, students will master the following items:
1. Fundamental knowledge of machine learning theory in a probabilistic perspective;
2. Basic knowledge of Python and R functions for machine learning (Tensorflow, Keras, tensor operations, fitting);
3. Basic knowledge on the history of machine learning and of its main applications in geosciences;
4. General knowledge on available methods (Bayesian inference, neural networks, decision trees, SVM, mixture,
5. Practical knowledge on which machine learnings methods to apply in different geo-data contexts;
6. Critical thinking on pros-and-cons of machine learning.
Teaching Methods
The course is a combination of lectures and programming exercises on jupyter-type notebooks. The exercises will
consist in applying ready-made codes (in Python or R depending on the methods considered) to investigate how the
theoretical aspects of machine learning translate into concrete applications in geosciences. The students will run
existing programs and interpret the results, filter geo-data and engineer features for model development, modify
parameterisations for sensitivity analyses. Such exercises will be incorporated to most lectures for clear
understanding of the concepts and data covered & for promoting student interactions/participation in classroom (2/3
lecture, 1/3 exercises per chapter on average).
Course Contents
Chapter 1
History of Machine Learning (4 hours)
Week 1 (lecture 1): History of machine learning in computer science: Early
days, milestones, current state-of-the art, the main categories of machine learning
methods. Introduction to platforms to be used in class, such as TensorFlow, Keras,
Jupiter notebooks, etc. with syllabus description [Install R, Python and
dependencies; Run a simple neural network on the famous MNIST computer vision
Week 1 (lecture 2): History of machine learning in geosciences: Developments
from the 1980s to nowadays in domains such as seismology, remote sensing,
tomography, rock mechanics, geodesy, natural hazard assessment and early
warning systems [Explore available machine learning geoscience code projects on
GitHub repositories in preparation to future exercises; start getting familiar with
common computational platforms used in those repos, such as TensorFlow, Keras,
other R/Python packages, as well as with common interface platforms such as
TensorBoard and Jupyter notebooks].
Chapter 2
Basics of Probability Theory & Maximum Likelihood Estimation (10 hours)
All the machine learning techniques to be explored in this course derive from
simple probabilistic concepts. Those include the basic rules of probability theory
from which the main probability distributions can be demonstrated. Maximum
likelihood estimation (MLE) and Bayes Theorem then provide the principal tools
needed to fit a model to some data. We will generate some simple data
representative of geophysical processes and use available low-dimensional
tabulated geo-data such as earthquake catalogues and results from rock laboratory
experiments to illustrate all concepts.
Week 2 (lecture 3): Probability theory axioms, derivation of probability
distributions (Binomial, Poisson, Normal, etc.), stochastic methods [how to call
probability distributions in R/Python and how to create a geo-data sample from any
given distribution]
Week 2 (lecture 4): Bayes Theorem, likelihood function, prior and posterior
distributions [Run a Bayesian inference R code that estimates seismicity
parameters during an underground reservoir stimulation, discover how probability
distributions evolve as more data come in]
Week 3 (lecture 5): Basics of regression: Linear regression, non-linear
regression, loss functions & regularisation (Lasso and Ridge), training, validation
and test set definition, performance metrics [Fit a simple 1-dimensional geo-data
set with regression tools and investigate underfitting versus overfitting; possible
dataset: number of acoustic emissions in rock sample as a function of time]
Week 3 (lecture 6): Basics of classification: Logistic regression, performance
metrics derived from the confusion matrix, application examples in geosciences
[Develop a logistic regression model to classify geographic cells as aftershock/no-
aftershock on post-mainshock data, find proper features, calculate performance
Week 4 (lecture 7): Gradient descent fundamentals: Parameter space
exploration, beware of local minima, analytical solutions, general algorithms,
learning rate & other hyperparameters, extensions to neural networks (to be
reinvestigated in chapter 4) [Explore/plot gradient descent process on simple
equations & on the lecture 5 example]
Chapter 3
Support Vector Machines (SVM) & Decision Trees (8 hours)
Classical machine learning methods to explore high-dimensional data include
Support Vector Machines (SVM) and decision trees. Decision trees include
Random Forest and other ensemble algorithms such as boosting. Feature
engineering is an important part of the process, which will be illustrated using the
results of the Kaggle competition Los Alamos National Laboratory Earthquake
Prediction, Can you predict upcoming laboratory earthquakes?.
Week 4 (lecture 8): Basics of SVM and decision trees (CART, random forest,
AdaBoost, etc.), the curse of dimensionality, textbook application in computer
science and recent applications in geosciences [Understand SVM by fitting the
maximum margin hyperplane, and decision trees by calculating the Gini index,
using a simple 2-dimensional binary ad-hoc dataset].
Week 5 (lecture 9): Illustration of the SVM method on a geo-data set, kernel
definition (linear, polynomial, radial basis), regularisation [Earthquake/blast
discrimination case, or moonquake/asteroid impact discrimination case TBC]
Week 5 (lecture 10): Introduction to a famous Kaggle competition, the Los
Alamos National Laboratory Earthquake Prediction, Can you predict upcoming
laboratory earthquakes? experiment, feature engineering of baseline random
forest model [Download the winning code and run it]
Week 6 (lecture 11): Going deeper into the Kaggle competition Los Alamos
National Laboratory Earthquake Prediction, Can you predict upcoming laboratory
earthquakes? experiment, bootstrapping versus pruning, comparison of baseline
model and winning model [Tune parameters and compare alternative results]
Chapter 4
(Deep) Neural Networks (8 hours)
An alternative to the previous models for high-dimensional problems is the neural
network, that is the combination of multiple layers of logistic regression models.
The principles are here explained, such as tensorial operations, backpropagation,
and the gradient descent possible extensions (expanding from chapter 2). They are
then illustrated on three datasets: two very simple sets representing a curve and a
spiral for basic understanding of universal function approximation, and the
aftershock dataset already analysed on week 3 for a concrete application of a deep
feedforward neural network.
Week 6 (lecture 12): Basics of feed-forward neural networks, types of activation
functions, what is a deep neural network, introduction to other neural network
architectures such as RNN, long-short term memory (LSTM) & convolutional neural
networks (RNNs & CNNs will be the subject matters of chapters 5-6) [Understand
how a neural network works by simply fitting a curve (acoustic emission dataset);
visualise the flexibility of a neural network model with Keras on the textbook spiral
Week 7 (lecture 13): Examples of applications in geosciences, the black-box
problem, the recent Nature debate on use of deep learning for aftershock
prediction [Run a deep neural network on the aftershock dataset of week 3 using
TensorFlow/Keras, compare with the previous logistic regression results]
Week 7 (lecture 14): Back-propagation algorithm, tensorial operations, weight
analysis, loss function derivative [Run a back-propagation code in Python and
compare with the equivalent TensorFlow command, again on the spiral dataset]
Week 8 (lecture 15): Going deep into hyperparameter selection, learning rate,
epochs, activation functions, gradient descent parameters [Explore the role of
different parameterisations on convergence time and final performance for the
aftershock classification problem of lecture 13]
Chapter 5
Sequential data analysis (8 hours)
This chapter covers neural network architectures used to model sequential data.
We will consider the classic recurrent neural network (RNN), the long-short term
memory (LSTM) neural network and finally the recent Transformer neural network.
We will test those different algorithms on some seismic waveform data. This
chapter will use many of the concepts already taught in the previous chapter.
Week 8 (lecture 16): Basics of RNN & LSTM, basics of time series analysis, RNN
architecture, input/output/forget gates, comparison of speech recognition &
earthquake data [Visualise how a RNN finds patterns from unstructured data on a
simple waveform time series]
Week 9 (lecture 17): RNN-LSTM application, basics of earthquake phase picking
and phase classification, exploring a published RNN-LSTM Python code for
seismic waveform phase picking [Run the RNN-LSTM Python code, and
investigate the role of parameters on the final result]
Week 9 (lecture 18): Basics of Transformers, Transformer as a recent alternative
to LSTM, encoder/decoder, attention mechanism, basics of natural language
processing (NLP) [Investigate the famous BERT Transformer & its application to
geo-text processing]
Week 10 (lecture 19): Transformer application, exploring a published
Transformer code for simultaneous earthquake detection and phase picking [Run
the Earthquake transformer, and investigate the role of parameters on the final
Chapter 6
Computer Vision (10 hours)
Computer vision consists in finding features in complex images. The convolutional
neural network (CNN) is one of the most successful neural network architectures
for such a task. Two main applications to unstructured geo-data will be considered:
(1) a 1-dimensional case of seismic waveform data for earthquake discrimination,
phase picking and phase classification (in continuation with the previous chapter)
and (2) a 2-dimensional case of satellite-based landslide recognition. This chapter
will use many of the concepts already taught in the previous two chapters.
Week 10 (lecture 20): Basics of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN),
convolutional layers & operations, pooling, general applications in computer vision
and speech recognition with famous architecture variants presented (with parallel
made with chapter 5) [Run a simple CNN to the MNIST dataset and compare to the
results obtained on week 1]
Week 11 (lecture 21): CNN usage in seismic waveform analysis, with description
of published CNNs such as PhaseLink, PhaseNet, etc., comparing CNN phase
picking and phase classification to results from other neural network architectures
(with link to previous chapter) [Download some seismic waveform and the
PhaseLink (or other, TBD) Python code].
Week 11 (lecture 22): Digging deeper into the PhaseLink (or other, TBD) CNN
code and seismic waveform data [Run the CNN code, and visually inspect the
obtained results]
Week 12 (lecture 23): Application of CNNs to satellite imagery, object detection,
presentation of the synthetic landslide image dataset [Run the landslide generation
R code and observe how labelling is performed; Label one landslide on a Sentinel
satellite image]
Week 12 (lecture 24): Digging deeper into the CNN for landslide image
classification [identify landslides on images with the provided CNN code based on
a labelled synthetic landslide image dataset]
Chapter 7
Basics of Unsupervised Learning (8 hours)
Application of the machine learning methods previously described becomes
problematic when there is a lack of training data, which can easily be the case for a
number of geo-data problems. Unsupervised learning consists in finding patterns in
unlabelled data based on their characteristics. The main approaches are clustering
and dimensionality reduction. Examples from geothermal data, micro-seismicity
data and seismic tomography (TBC) will be shown.
Week 13 (lecture 25): Basics of clustering, k-means, mixture modelling,
Expectation-Maximisation (EM) technique [Understand how k-means and gaussian
mixture model (GMM) algorithms work in R with the Old Faithful geyser eruption
Week 13 (lecture 26): Application to micro-seismicity analysis, data mining for
earthquake pattern recognition, concept of completeness magnitude, censored
data and magnitude frequency distribution [Run an Asymmetric Laplace mixture
model R code to fit magnitude frequency distributions of various shapes, observed
or simulated; Observe how the EM algorithm works]
Week 14 (lecture 27): Other unsupervised methods such as neural networks,
self-organising maps (SOM), auto-encoders, generative adversarial networks
(GAN) [application in earthquake/blast discrimination]
Week 14 (lecture 28): Basics of dimensionality reduction, principal component
analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), dictionary learning [application
in seismic tomography TBC]
Chapter 8
Basics of Reinforcement Learning (4 hours)
Reinforcement learning is the third general type of machine learning method, with
supervised learning and unsupervised learning. It is closely related to so-called
artificial intelligence (AI) as it consists in an agent learning to reach a goal in an
optimal way. Successfully applied to games (e.g. chess, Go, video games), it finds
applications in optimisation problems and risk management. In geosciences,
applications may include geo-energy optimization or natural disaster response
Week 15 (lecture 29): History of AI, basic concepts, states, actions and rewards,
Bellman equation, Q-learning [Run the Q-learning algorithm in R on simple gridded
environments, e.g. Frozen Lake]
Week 15 (lecture 30): Applications to real-life situations, trade-off optimization,
presentation of a geo-energy risk optimization problem [Run the geo-energy risk
environment, observe possible agent behaviours]
Chapter 9
Next Horizons in Computational Geosciences (4 hours)
This concluding chapter qualitatively explores the future of machine learning in
geosciences by reflecting on what we learned in the entire course, what is needed
for proper machine learning applications (e.g. big data), and what could be
expected in the coming years.
Week 16 (lecture 31): Dealing with Big Data, trends in geosciences (satellite data,
laboratory data), making more data with data augmentation.
Week 16 (lecture 32): Summary of methods learned and review of studied
geoscience applications. Question will machine learning help make new
discoveries in geosciences? to be debated in class.
Course Assessment
1 考核 Form of examination
2 .分数构成 grading policy
If the course is open to undergraduates, please indicate the difference.
50% assignments: reports (jupyter notebooks) on each chapters exercises: summary, method, results (with plots).
Applies to chap. 2-8 50% on final examination: Basic concepts, model interpretation, ML applicability to geoscience
Letter grading
Textbook and Supplementary Readings
教材 Textbook
1. Murphy K.P. (2012), Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective. The MIT Press
参考资料 Supplementary Readings
1. Bergen K.J., Johnson P.A., de Hoop M.V., Beroza G.C. (2019), Machine learning for data-driven discovery in solid
Earth geoscience. Science, 363, eaau0323
2. Kong Q., Trugman D.T., Ross Z.E., Bianco M.J., Meade B.J., Gerstoft P. (2019), Machine Learning in
Seismology: Turning Data into Insights. Seismological Research Letters, 90 (1), doi: 10.1785/0220180259
3. Mignan A., Broccardo M. (2019), One neuron versus deep learning in aftershock prediction. Nature, 574, E1-E3,
doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1582-8