空间等离子体物理学 Space Plasma Physics
Course Credit/Hours
This course introduces the fundamentals of space plasma physics, preparing the
students for future studies and related research works in the field of space physics.
介绍 This section introduces the definition and basic characteristics of plasma.
This section discusses the motion of a single charged particle in
background magnetic and electric fields.
磁 流 体 力 学
This section introduces the basic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
equations which describe plasma as an ionized fluid.
等 离 子 体 波 This section covers plasma waves: their dispersion relations and
different properties.
等离子体扩散和电阻 This section addresses the diffusion in plasmas and plasma
resistivity due to particle collision
等离子体不稳定性 This section discusses the concept of plasma equilibrium and
instability. It will also introduce several typical instabilities in plasmas.
动 力 学 理 论
This section introduces the kinetic plasma description, including
Boltzmann equation, Vlasov equation, and their connection with MHD.
非连续性和激 波 This section introduces discontinuities in space and shock
非 线 性 过 程 This section briefly introduces some nonlinear effects in plasma