practical data processing, this course will enhance students’ understanding of speculative knowledge and develop
their problem solving skills. On completion of this course, students are expected to gain insights into the theory of
signal processing, and abilities to apply them to specific problems in Geophysical, Mechanical, or other related
areas, particularly know how to conduct time-frequency analysis and filtering to improve SNR.
离散时间信号和系统 (Discrete time signals and systems) week: 1-2
内容:信号的分类,线性时不变系统,卷积, 离散时间序列变换
Contents: Classification of Signals , Linear Time-invariant System , Convolution,
Discrete time series transformation (Fourier transforms, Z-transforms, Laplace transforms)
系统响应与滤波器原理(System response & Principles of filter)week: 3-4
内容:系统响应函数,差分方程,IIR 和 FIR 数字滤波器。
Contents: System response function, Difference equation, IIR & FIR digital filters
常用滤波器及其应用 (Common filters and applications) week: 5-7
内容: 随机过程、维纳滤波、卡尔曼滤波、自适应滤波。
Contents: Stochastic process, Wiener filter, Kalman filter, Adaptive filter
弱信号提取与功率谱估计(Power spectrum estimation)week: 8-9
Contents: Auto regression, Correlation analysis, Coherence, Auto-power spectrum, Cross-
power spectrum
时频分析(Time-frequency analysis)week: 10-12
内容:短时傅里叶变换,Gabor 变换,小波变换,希尔伯特-黄变换
Contents: STFT, Gabor transform, Wavelet transform, HHT, and their implementation in
practical signal processing
大数据分析简介(Introduction to Big data analysis)week: 13-14
内容:神经元网络,深度学习, 参数优化
Contents: Neural network, Deep Learning, Parameter optimization
压缩感知(Compressed sensing)week: 15-16
Contents: Information redundancy, Feature analysis, Compressive sampling, Signal
课程最终成绩根据五次作业和期末报告综合评定(课程作业 50%+期末报告 50%)。作业内容为运用课
程中所学习到的信号处理方法,编写程序处理实际数据(主要基于 Matlab)。
Assessment will be based on five assignments (50%) and final report (50%). The assignments are compiling
programs (mostly based on Matlab) to analyze practical signals.
教材及其它参考资料 Textbook and Supplementary Readings
1) Oppenheim, Alan V., Ronald W. Schafer, and John R. Buck. Discrete-Time Signal Processing. 2nd ed. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999. ISBN: 9780137549207.
2) Proakis, John G., and Dmitris K. Manolakis. Digital Signal Processing. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall, 2006. ISBN: 9780131873742.
3) 程佩青. 《数字信号处理教程》. 第三版. 北京:清华大学出版社,2007
4) 王艳芬 王刚 张晓光 刘卫东.《数字信号处理原理及实现》. 清华大学出版社,2008