文献研读(Literature study) week: 13-16
This section covers investigation on related literatures, class report of the literature study, and
class discussion.
课程最终成绩根据出勤率、平时作业和课堂表现综合评定(出勤率 10%+平时作业 50%+课堂表现
Assessment will be based on attendance rate (10%), regular assignment (50%) and classroom performance (40%).
1) Pride, S.R., 1994. Governing equations for the coupled electromagnetics and acoustics of porous media,
Phys. Rev. B, 50, 15 678–15 696.
2) Pride, S.R. & Haartsen, M.W., 1996. Electroseismic wave properties, J. acoust. Soc. Am., 100, 1301–1315.
3) Jouniaux, L. & Ishido, T., 2012. Electrokinetics in earth sciences: a tutorial, Int. J. Geophys., 2012, 286107,
4) Yamazaki, K., 2012, Estimation of temporal variations in the magnetic field arising from the motional
induction that accompanies seismic waves at a large distance from the epicentre, Geophys. J. Int., 190, 1393-
5) 丁鉴海等,2011,地震地磁学概论,中国科学技术大学出版社
6) 高长银,2012,压电效应新技术及应用,电子工业出版社
7) 徐世浙,1979,关于压磁效应和膨胀磁效应,地震学报