地球物理反演理论(Geophysical Inverse Problem)
专业选修课(specialized elective course)
Course Credit/Hours
微积分、线性代数、概率论与数理统计、基本编程能力、一定的 MATLAB 基
Pre-requisites include calculus, linear algebra, probability and statistics, basic
programming skills, and basic Matlab experience.
This course is specialized for students in geophysics and related areas. Upon completing the course, students are
expected to (1) understand the concept, philosophy, and methodology of the geophysical inverse problem, (2)
establish, solve, and analyze basic geophysical inversion problem (e.g., earthquake location, seismic tomography,
gravity inversion, etc.), and comprehend and assess the recent studies on the theory or applications of geophysical
inverse problem.
This course highlights the understanding and application of theoretical knowledge. Besides direct instruction,
programming exercises for a number of important topics will be given as class assignments in order to enhance
students’ understanding of the theory and develop their problem solving skills. On completion of this course,
students will be able to apply the knowledge gained from this course to particular geophysical problems of their
own studies.
This section will give an overview of the prior knowledge including linear algebra,
probability, calculus, and differential equation. Week 1-2.
This section will introduce and discuss the description of inverse problem and its basic
concept. Week 3-4.
This section will discuss the solving of linear inverse problem, including linear regression,
singular value decomposition, and regularization. Week 5-8.
This section will discuss the discretizing of continuous inverse problems and iterative
methods. Week 9-10.