第一章 一维线性差分算法(4学时)
第二章 一维磁流体算法(6学时)
第三章 二维磁流体算法(6学时)
第四章 一维动理论算法(6学时)
第五章 一维粒子模拟算法(6学时)
第六章 混合模拟算法简介 (4学时)
Chapter 1: One dimensional finite differencing schemes(4 Hours)
1D Advection-diffusion fluid code and stability analysis code: higher order finite differencing schemes, shocks, flux-
corrected transport;
Chapter 2: One dimensional schemes for magnetohydrodynamics (6 Hours)
1D finite volume method for magnetohydrodynamics, total variation diminishing methods, mathematical properties of the
equations of magnetohydrodynamics;
Chapter 3: Two dimensional schemes for magnetohydrodynamics (6 Hours)
2D finite volume method for magnetohydrodynamics, constrained transport (Yee Grid);
Chapter 4: One dimensional kinetic simulations(6 Hours)
1D Vlasov electrostatic code: simple muliti-dimensional programming, two-stream instability, bump-in-tail instability;
Chapter 5: One dimensional particle simulations(6 Hours)
1D1V, time-dependent, electrostatic particle-in-cell code and electrostatic dispersion code: effects of particle number on
noise level and in approximating a numerical Maxwellian velocity distribution;
Chapter 6: Introduction to hybrid simulations(4 Hours)
One-dimensional, time-dependent hybrid code; using FFT to evaluate wave dispersion properties, distinguish RH and
LH circular polarized waves in simulation data, simulate and diagnose ion cyclotron waves and ion cyclotron instability.
1. Finite Difference Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations by R. L.. LeVeque. – basic methods for
hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic equations;
2. Numerical Computation of Internal and External Flows by C.Hirsch – no plasma physics but a good reference for fluid
problems in general;
3. Plasma Physics via Computer Simulation by C. K. Birdsall and A. B. Langdon, McGraw-Hill, 1985, 1991
(comprehensive text on the theory, approximations and applications of particle-in-cell codes).