Chapter 1: Overview of Catastrophe Risk (2 hours)
Week 1 (lecture 1): Concepts & terminology, such as 'disaster', 'hazard', 'risk', 'probability', 'uncertainty' and 'model';
History of catastrophe risk (myths, infamous disasters, scientific & engineering milestones); Types of perils, defined by
category, such as natural (extra-terrestrial, meteorological, geological, hydrological, biological) or anthropogenic
(accidental, malicious), defined by scale & frequency (low to high impact, common to very rare); Syllabus overview &
what the student is expected to learn throughout the course [assignment #1: Describe 5 perils not discussed in class &
classify them].
Chapter 2: Basics of Catastrophe Modelling (4 hours)
General framework describing hazard assessment (source definition, event frequency and severity) & risk assessment
(exposure, vulnerability, risk metrics); Application to various natural & anthropogenic hazards discussed in Chapter 1,
conceptualised and compared using first physical principles. Fundamental concepts to be addressed include energy
release, power-laws, and probability distributions, illustrated with basic R codes for an initiation to this programming
Week 2 (lecture 2): Hazard part [assignment #2: Download R & run provided hazard code]; Week 3 (lecture 3): Risk part
[assignment #3: run provided full risk code, the template for the main student project].
Chapter 3: Probabilistic Seismic Risk Assessment (4 hours)
Detailed framework based on the concepts learned in Chapter 2 but with application to seismic risk assessment;
Concepts of probability distributions for hazard curve, vulnerability/fragility curves and loss curve definition. Calibration
methods to estimate hazard, vulnerability and risk from historical data; Engineering approach to seismic risk
quantification. A full R program will be studied in detail and proposed as template for the student-group project (transfer
to other risks, of their choice).
Week 4 (lecture 4): Hazard part [assignment #4: Modify input parameter values & compare resulting hazard curves];
Week 5 (lecture 5): Risk part [assignment #5: Compute damage ratio expected for different earthquake magnitudes].
Student project session A: Brainstorming & early-stage programming (2 hours)
Week 6 (interactive session): Interactive session during which the students formally decide which risk they want to
quantify (by groups); Feasibility analysis, data accessibility, transfer of knowledge from chapters 1-3. Start to draft their
model in a report and R code. Any peril may be considered for this project except earthquakes (i.e. provided template).
Chapter 4: Hazard Footprint Modelling for different Classes of Perils (4 hours)
Presentation of different approaches for the modelling of hazard footprints of different classes of perils, moving from the
diffusion processes mentioned in previous chapters to: Brownian motion (e.g. storm tracks), cellular automata to model
interface events (landslides, wildfires, tsunamis) and site-specific conditions (e.g. seismic wave), and networks to model
network-based events (epidemics, lifeline failures, such as blackouts).
Week 7 (lecture 6): Concepts of Brownian motion and cellular automata [assignment #6: Run the provided cellular
automaton code & plot the resulting footprint]; Week 8 (lecture 7): Concepts of network theory [assignment #7: Run the
provided network propagation code & plot the resulting footprint].
Student project session B: Consolidation of program & first results (2 hours)