第七章:地球磁层中的波动(6 学时)
第八章:地球磁层中的磁暴和亚暴(6 学时)
第九章:地球的电离层和高层大气(6 学时)
第十章:空间天气(6 学时)
第十一章:太阳系其他星体的磁层和电离层(6 学时)
Chapter 1: Introduction and basics of the space plasma physics (6 hours)
Course introduction; the concept and the physics of the space plasma.
Chapter 2: The Sun (4 hours)
The interior structure of the Sun; the energy source.
Chapter 3: The solar wind, interplanetary magnetic field and heliosphere (8 hours)
The solar atmosphere; the periodicity of solar activity, the structure and properties of the solar wind and interplanetary
magnetic field; the shape of the heliosphere.
Chapter 4: Cosmic rays (4 hours)
Energetic particles in the interplanetary space; cosmic rays.
Chapter 5: Solar-wind interactions with magnetized planets (6 hours)
The shape and size of the magnetospheric cavity; bow shock.
Chapter 6: Earth’s magnetosphere (6 hours)
Structure of Earth’s magnetosphere, distribution of plasma and fields.
Chapter 7: Waves in Earth’s magnetosphere (6 hours)
Pulsations, plasma waves, MHD waves, and waves in different regions in Earth’s magnetosphere.
Chapter 8: Geomagnetic storms and substorms (6 hours)
Magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling; the process of geomagnetic storms and substorms, their dynamics and models.
Chapter 9: Earth’s ionosphere and upper atmosphere (6 hours)
Structures and dynamics of Earth’s ionosphere and upper atmosphere.
Chapter 10: Space weather (6 hours)
Effects of the solar activity on Earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere; space weather phenomena.
Chapter 11: Magnetosphere and ionosphere on other planets (6 hours)
Structures and characteristics of the magnetosphere and ionosphere on other planets.