Pre-requisites or Other
Academic Requirements
Courses for which this course
is a pre-requisite
Cross-listing Dept.
者组件,自行焊接、组装一部 iphone6 手机。
The aim of this course is to lead students to find interests in engineering projects, inspire them to choose major in the
department of electrical and electronic engineering, even in the future, to become excellent electrical engineers. The task
of the project is to assemble an iphone6.
组装完成一部 iphone6 手机,熟悉手机作为一个通讯系统的各个组成部件以及工作原理。
Assemble all the components into an iphone6 as a whole. Know the function of each component of the cell phone.
课程内容及教学日历 (如授课语言以英文为主,则课程内容介绍可以用英文;如团队教学或模块教学,教学日历须注明
Course Contents (in Parts/Chapters/Sections/Weeks. Please notify name of instructor for course section(s), if
this is a team teaching or module course.)
课程要求学生自己搜集资料,购买元器件或者组件,自行焊接、组装一部 iphone6 手机。整个项目的时间限定在 45 天
内,经费控制在 3000 元,两个学生一组完成任务,同时将组装的全过程自行录像,组装完毕统一组织项目答辩。
The task of the project is to assemble an iphone6. Two students are a group, they are required to collect any information
or technical reports about the project, purchase the electronic components and packages from the market, assemble all
the components into a cell phone. They need to finish the project in 45 days and record the whole process in video, the
budget of the project is 3000RMB. Each group is required to give a final presentation.
教材及其它参考资料 Textbook and Supplementary Readings