Pre-requisites or Other
Academic Requirements
EE212 电子信息高阶讲座
EE212Advanced Lecture for Information Science
Courses for which this course
is a pre-requisite
Cross-listing Dept.
本课程专为电子系学有余力的拔尖学生开设。选修此课程的学生需要选择 1 位我系教授作为导师,并在其指导下从事科研
工作。教授需对学生进行一对一指导,并保证每周时长满足 2 小时以上。学生在两学期的实践中需要完成提交或发表至少
This course is open for top-notched students in EEE department. The students who choose this course should select
one of EEE professors as their mentors, who will supervise his research work. The mentors should spend at least two
hours per week for one-to-one discussion with their students. As the final examination, the students should submit or
publish at least one research article in the top journals. Otherwise they will fail this course.
1. 查找和阅读科技文献,以及自学能力
2. 运用数学,科学和工程知识进行科学探索的能力
3. 找出,规划,并解决工程问题的能力
4. 设计并实施实验,设计元器件或系统,以及/或开发算法能力
5. 使用现代工具和/或软件探索并解决工程问题的能力。
6. 分析和解释数据的能力
By taking this course, students are expected to have the ability to
1. search and read literature for a given topic;
2. apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to investigate a research problem;
3. Identify, formulate and solve engineering problem;
4. Design and conduct experiment, and/or design a component or system, and/or develop algorithms
5. Use modern tools and software to investigate and solve engineering problems
6. analyse and interpret data,
课程内容及教学日历 (如授课语言以英文为主,则课程内容介绍可以用英文;如团队教学或模块教学,教学日历须注明
Course Contents (in Parts/Chapters/Sections/Weeks. Please notify name of instructor for course section(s), if
this is a team teaching or module course.)