1-4 学时:集成电路版图设计软件的基本使用方法讲解。包括:软件启动、常用的三十几个快捷键、LSW layer view
操作、layer generation 在版图设计中的应用等。
5-8 学时:集成电路版图基本元器件学习;集成电路制造工艺与版图对应关系的学习;根据器件版图还原器件剖面结
9-12 学时:集成电路版图设计中 hierarchy 概念;集成电路版图中基本元器件学习;集成电路版图 basic 库的要求和
基础 Pcell 构建方法。
13-16 学时:模拟集成电路版图设计中匹配的概念;电流镜、差分对等典型电学结构的版图分析。
17-20 学时:模拟集成电路版图设计中噪声和隔离的概念;认知需隔离的电学结构;掌握版图中隔离的方法。
21-32 学时:根据提供的模拟集成电路,进行子电路版图绘制,该电路为真实的 IC 子电路,需要连续几周约 12 小时
1-4 hours: The basic use of layout software, includes: software startup, thirty commonly used shortcut keys, LSW
layer view operation, layer generation application in layout design, etc.
5-8 hours: Learn the basic layout components in IC; Learn the corresponding relationship between layout and the
manufacturing process; The section structure of the device based on layout; The analysis of the device structure
according to the profile structure.
9-12 hours: Hierarchy concept in IC layout design; Basic components learning in integrated circuit layout; The
requirements for layout basic library and the basic Pcell construction method.
13-16 hours: The concept of matching in analog IC layout design; current mirror and differential comparator in
17-20 hours: The concept of noise and isolation in analog IC layout design; The electrical structure should be
isolated0; The way to isolate in the layout.
21-32 hours: According to the circuit provided, design the layout of the sub-circuit, it takes about 12 hours; The layout
from the students will be collectively reviewed and analyzed.