(14) Introduction to Formality, design-rule-check (DRC) and layout-vs-schematics (LVS). (2 hours)
(15) Design-for-test (DFT) introduction and design ATPG and JTAG. (2 hours)
(16) Memory design and self-testing structure. (2 hours)
Labs and projects (32 hours)
Lab 1. Work with Linux and GVIM environment, shell scripts programming. (4 hours)
Lab 2. Logic simulation and simulation environment, emphasis on testing vectors and testing setups. (4 hours)
Lab 3. Case study of logic design, emphasis on timing sequence and state machine based designs. (4 hours)
Lab 4. Case study, design and simulation, emphasis on timing analysis and testing environment, testing vectors
generation. (4 hours)
Lab 5. Logic synthesis and timing path analysis, emphasis on critical path extraction and optimization. (4 hours)
Lab 6. Placement and routing, its techniques and optimization. (4 hours)
Lab 7. Work with Formality、DRC、LVS, emphasis on front-end and back-end co-analysis. (4 hours)
Lab 8. P&R and design-for-testing (DFT) study, timing sign-off and GDS generation. (4 hours)
理论课内容:(32 个学时)
(1),基于 HDL 设计流程,熟悉 Linux 基本命令,(2 个学时)
(2),Verilog 语言介绍,熟悉 GVIM 基本操作,(2 个学时)
(3),逻辑仿真和 Test-bench 编程,(2 个学时)
(4),Verilog 电路结构级描述,(2 个学时)
(5),Verilog 基本介绍,(2 个学时)
(6),Verilog 高级语法级结构,编码风格介绍,(2 个学时)
(7), Verilog 延时模型, IC 库介绍,仿真,(2 个学时)
(8), Test-bench 设计和仿真, (2 个学时)
(9), 逻辑综合技术,脚本介绍,现场演示案例,(2 个学时)
(10), 静态时序分析 STA 原理介绍,脚本介绍,现场演示,(2 个学时)
(11), 电路的定位及布线 P&R 介绍, Placement,,Route,电源环等介绍,(2 个学时)
(12), 电路的定位及布线 P&R 介绍,时序延时信息提取, STA 分析,(2 个学时)
(13), 后仿动态时序逻辑仿真,时序信息提取和导入,报告简单分析(实例演示),(2 个学时)