Pre-requisites or Other
Academic Requirements
EE205 信号与系统 Signals and Systems
Courses for which this course
is a pre-requisite
EE 330 DSP 系统设计与仿真,DSP Design and Simulation
EE 328 语音信号处理,Speech Signal Processing
Cross-listing Dept.
生物医学工程系 / Department of Biomedical Engineering
1、离散时间信号和系统在时域和变换域的表示方法。变换域主要包括离散时间傅立叶变换,离散傅立叶变换以及 z 变换。
3、有限脉冲响应滤波器(FIR filters)和无限脉冲响应滤波器(IIR filters)结构及其设计。
This course introduces fundamental principles and concepts in the area of digital signal processing, including:
1. the representation of discrete time signal and system in the time domain and transformed domain. The transformed
domains mainly include discrete-time Fourier transform, discrete Fourier transform, and z-transform.
2. Linear and time-invariant (LTI) System
3. Digital filters (FIR filters and IIR filters) structures and their designs,
4. Fast Fourier transform and its implementation.
1. 掌握数字信号处理领域的基本数学原理、主要问题、常用设计思路和解决方法,
2. 解决常见数字型号处理问题;
3. 掌握基本的分析和设计数字信号处理系统的能力,熟练运用 matlab 编程工具,以及
4. 运用本课程的知识解决数字信号处理相关的科研项目中的问题。。
After completing this course, the students should be able to
1. Understand the basic principles and design approaches of digital signal processing;
2. Solve typical digital signal processing problems;
3. Master skills to conduct basic analysis and design of discrete-time signal processing systems, using computer
languages, such as MATLAB programming; and
4. Conduct further research in the area of digital signal processing.
课程内容及教学日历 (如授课语言以英文为主,则课程内容介绍可以用英文;如团队教学或模块教学,教学日历须注明
Course Contents (in Parts/Chapters/Sections/Weeks. Please notify name of instructor for course section(s), if
this is a team teaching or module course.)