1. 讲授洁净室、高真空、薄膜沉积(溅射、热蒸镀、电子束蒸镀、等离子体化学气相沉积、涂膜)、薄膜图形化(光
2. 讲 授 各 种 光 电 器 件 如 有 机 发 光 二 极 管 ( OLED) 、 量 子 点 发 光 二 极 管 ( QLED) 、 交 流 薄 膜 电 致 发 光 器 件
3. 学生需参与到实验中,并亲自制作、表征各种功能薄膜及光电器件。通过实验,掌握薄膜和器件的制备工艺及表征技
1. To introduce the clean room, high vacuum, thin film deposition (including sputtering, thermal evaporation, e-beam
evaporation, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, spin coating), thin film patterning (including
photolithography, laser direct writing, screen printing, inkjet printing),etching and other fundamental fabrication
processes. Thin film characterization techniques including transmission, reflection, absorption, resistivity, thickness,
surface morphology are also covered.
2. To introduce the working mechanisms, the fabrication processes and the characterization techniques of various
optoelectronic devices including organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), quantum dot light-emitting diodes (QLED),
alternating current thin-film electroluminescent devices (ACTFEL), photovoltaic (solar) cells, thin-film transistors
(TFT) and etc.
3. Laboratory course requires hands-on work in fabricating and characterizing various thin films (including metal,
organic and ceramic) and devices (including OLED, QLED, ACTFEL, OPV and TFT). Process modules including
sputtering, thermal evaporation, e-beam evaporation, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, spin coating,
photolithography, laser direct writing, screen printing, inkjet printing, etching and etc will be covered. Student will also
learn to characterize the fabricated thin films and devices.