1. 绪论(2 学时):介绍本门课程的主要内容、实验构成、实验注意事项、课程评价方式、主要实验仪器的使用。
Introduction (2 credit hours): an introduction of the course, 8 labs and one DIY project, grading policy and how to
use the testing instruments in the lab, get familiar with the electronic components.
2. 门电路逻辑功能及测试(2 学时):熟悉与门、非门、或门等逻辑门的使用方法;掌握数字示波器的使用。
TTL Logic Gates (2 credit hours): get familiar with some basic 74 series TTL logic gates like AND, OR, NAND,
NOR, XOR and the conversions between them. Learn to use the digital storage oscilloscope.
3. CMOS 门电路测试(2 学时):掌握 CMOS 门的功能测试方法;学会外特性的测试;比较 CMOS 门与 TTL 门的差
CMOS Logic Gates (2 credit hours): test the functions and performances of CMOS logic gates, comparison
between the TTL gates and CMOS gates.
4. 组合逻辑电路(2 学时):掌握半加器、全加器、译码器、数据选择器等组合逻辑电路的原理及逻辑测试方法,了解
Combinatorial Logic Circuits (2 credit hours): the principles and applications of half-adders, adders, decoders,
encoders, multiplexers, de-multiplexers.
5. 触发器(R-S、D、J-K)(2 学时):熟悉并掌握 R-S、D、J-K 触发器的构成、工作原理和功能测试方法;学会正确
Flip-Flops (R-S, D, J-K) (2 credit hours): the principles and applications of all kinds of flip-flops and the
conversions between them.
6. 组合逻辑电路的仿真(2 学时):掌握全加器、译码器、数据选择器电路的特点及设计方法;学会应用全加器、译码
Simulation of the Combinatorial Logic Circuits (2 credit hours): design and simulation of some functional
combinatorial logic circuits using adders, decoders, encoders, multiplexers and de-multiplexers.
7. 时序电路测试及研究(2 学时):掌握常用时序电路分析、设计及测试方法;学会运用各类触发器设计各种常用的时
Sequential Logic Circuits (2 credit hours): synchronous and asynchronous counters, binary counters, decimal
counters, shift registers, finite state machine.
8. 555 时基电路(2 学时):掌握 555 时基电路的结构和工作原理、学会对此芯片的正确使用;学会分析和测试用 555
时基电路构成的多谐振荡器、单稳态触发器、R-S 触发器等三种典型电路。
Applications of 555 Timers (2 credit hours): the principles and applications of 555 timers used as multi-vibrators,
mono-stable triggers and R-S flip-flops.
常用模块的设计制作(16 学时):DIY Project (16 credit hours)
生器、示波器等的电路模块,将这些任务分布于各组的 DIY Project 里面。
One project team consists of three to eight members, one student acts as team leader. Every team does a project
related to circuit theory, they need to apply analog and digital circuit theory and experimental skills to finish a project,
most of the projects are based on the problems in the past “National Undergraduate Electronics Design Contest”. Under
the direction of instructors, each team needs to do time schedule, cost evaluation and budget allocation. The projects are