Fang Wan, Assistant Professor, School of Design
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(如面向本科生开放,请注明区分内容。 If the course is open to undergraduates, please indicate the
The goal of this course is to exemplify the technical and ethical guidelines in designing robots for
social good. The course introduces the principles, materials, design, modeling of robotic agent for
physical interactions with the environment, helping students understand the basic concepts, core
technologies of robotics. The course further takes a theme-based and case-driven approach to help the
students identify the key factors in designing robots for social goods and practice them in design
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Conduct analysis of robotic systems in terms of technical and ethical aspects.
2. Adopt advanced technologies in designing robotic systems.
3. Demonstrate ability to align technical and ethical guidelines in designing robots for social
(如面向本科生开放,请注明区分内容。 If the course is open to undergraduates, please indicate the
Teaching methods include classroom lectures with multimedia presentation, theme-based frontier
seminars, and course project applying design practice (written report and oral presentation).