Week 10: Mixture Models and EM Learning
o K-means Clustering
o Gaussian Mixture Model
o Expectation and Maximization
[Lab] Introduction to Bayes classifier, spam email filter.
Week 11: Sequential Data
o Hidden Markov Models
o EM for HMM
o Forward-Backward Algorithm
o Sum-Product Algorithm
o Viterbi Algorithm
o Kalman and Particle Filters
[Lab] Implement a clustering algorithm.
Week 12: Graphical Models
o Bayesian Networks
o Conditional Independence
o Markov random fields
o Inference in Graphical Models
[Lab] Implement EM algorithm with data using in lab.
Week 13: Markov Decision Process
o Dynamic programming
o Markov Decision Process
o Partially Observable MDP
o Value Iteration
o Policy Iteration
[Lab] Implement HMM algorithm.
Week 14: Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
o Reinforcement learning
o Q-learning
o TD-learning
[Lab] Implement viterbi algorithm, Baum-Welch algorithm.
Week 15: Bayesian Deep Learning
o Bayesian NN
o Approximate Inference
o Drop out
o Gaussian noise
o deep reinforcement learning