Week 1: Introduction: course overview; information on lecture & labs schedule; assessments structure and rules; what is
deep learning and why are you here?
[Lab 1] Introduction to PyTorch and assignments overview
Week 2: Where it all started: brief recap of linear algebra; tensors; brief history of machine learning and recap of
fundamental concepts; biological neurons; the perceptron.
[Lab 2] Assignment #1 is made available (MLP and back-propagation)
Week 3: Going deep: shallow networks and the hidden layer; multi-layer perceptron; gradient descent; back-propagation.
[Lab 3] Working on assignment #1
Week 4: Optimization: batch gradient descent; stochastic gradient descent; challenges in optimization; advanced
[Lab 4] Working on assignment #1
Week 5: Regularization and good practices: input normalization; l1 and l2 regularization; dropout; learning rate; weight
[Lab 5] Working on assignment #1
Week 6: Convolutional neural networks, part one: what are CNNs and what makes them special; their importance in
computer vision; CNNs modules; how to train a CNN.
[Lab 6]: Assignment #2 is made available (CNNs and RNNs)
Week 7: Convolutional neural networks, part two: popular modern CNNs architectures; vanishing gradients; inception
[Lab 7]: Working on assignment #2
Week 8: Recurrent neural networks: Hopfield network; sequential data; RNNs; back-propagation through time; exploding
and vanishing gradients; LSTM architectures.
[Lab 8]: Working on assignment #2
Week 9: Auto-encoders (Chapter 14): supervised versus unsupervised learning; manifold hypothesis; PCA; kernel PCA;
[Lab 9]: Working on assignment #2
Week 10: Generative adversarial networks: generative vs discriminative models; generative adversarial networks;
variants of GANs.
[Lab 10]: Assignment #3 is made available (GANs and VAEs)
Week 11: Explicit generative models: restricted Boltzmann machines; deep Boltzmann machines; variational inference;
variational auto-encoders
[Lab 11]: Working on assignment #3
Week 12: Deep reinforcement learning: what is reinforcement learning; Bellman equation; deep RL; Q-learning; stability
problems; policy-based deep RL; model-based deep RL