data sets will be assigned in the lab. .
Week 2: Map-reduce and software stack: review big data processing and related software architecture. Lab works will be
on letting student familiar with software tools.
Week 3: Find similar items: selected classic item similarity computing algorithms will be reviewed. Lab works will be on
letting student familiar with implementation and applications of those algorithms.
Week 4: Data steaming mining: data streaming mining algorithms will be introduced. Lab works will be on letting student
familiar with implementation and applications of those algorithms.
Week 5: Frequent item set: challenges and importance of identifying frequent itemset will be reviewed. Lab works will be
on letting student familiar with implementation and applications of these algorithms.
Week 6: Clustering: Techniques, Applications and Trends of clustering will be introduced, more in the context of big data
analytics. Lab work will be on letting student familiar with these techniques.
Week 7: Random forests: Importance will be given on variable importance, variable selection, and outlier detection for
random forests. Lab work will train students on those techniques learned in the classroom.
Week 8: Mid-term exam: Performance review of students. It is planned to be in the form of lab.
Week 9: Social networks: An introduction to social networks will be conducted. Lab work will be focused around key
algorithms in social networks. Research papers will be distributed for students to read.
Week 10: Viral marketing: Focus will be on viral marketing via collaborative data mining, especially on top of social
networks. Research papers will be distributed and lab work will be conducted to let student familiar with those mining
Week 11: Recommender systems: Key recommendation algorithms like collaborative filtering will be introduced.
Research papers will be distributed and lab work will be around to implementing those techniques in the paper.
Week 12: CNN Neural networks: An introduction to CNN networks will be conducted. Focus will be on principle
understanding and application of CNN networks. Classic research papers will be distributed. Lab work will strengthen
those topics.
Week 13: RNN Neural networks: An introduction to RNN networks will be conducted. Focus will be on principle
understanding and application of RNN networks. Classic research papers will be distributed. Lab work will strengthen
those topics.
Week 14: Financial time series: An introduction to financial data processing will be conducted. Traditional statistical tools
for time series analysis will be reviewed. Lab work will be on those time series analysis tools.
Week 15: Financial time series: Key performance indicators of financial time series analysis will be introduced. Research
papers on financial time series analysis techniques will be distributed. Lab work will be focused on selected techniques
Week 16: Term and project review: Review of team project and review of the whole course will be conducted.