第十三周: 链路层,
错误检测及纠正,MPLS 协议介绍,多路接入协议,局域网技术介绍
[Lab 13] 基于交换机 S5110 的网络搭建及链路交换实验
第十四周:链路层, 局域网技术
[Lab 14] 基于无线路由器的配置使用
第十五周: 无线局域网
[Lab 15]. 使用 网络模拟器来完成网络搭建及配置
第十六周: 总结与复习
[Lab 16]. 复习及答疑
Week 1. Course overview
[Lab 1]. Practice on common methods of network monitoring and diagnosis
Week 2. What is the Internet, what is a protocol? (textbook: Chapter 1)
delay, loss, throughput in packet-switched networks, protocol layers, service models
[Lab 2]. Practice on Wireshark to analysis protocol
Week 3. Application layer 1 (textbook: Chapter 2.1-2.3)
principles of application-layer protocols, World Wide Web, HTTP
[Lab 3]. Practice on HTTP
Week 4. Application layer 2 (textbook: Chapter 2.4-2.5): DNS, Email
[Lab 4]. Practice on HTTP and DNS
Week5. Application layer 3: P2P, Video streaming, socket programming
[Lab 5]. Practice on P2P, socket programming
Week 6. Transport layer 1 (textbook: Chapter 3.1-3.3):
transport-layer services and principles,multiplexing and demultiplexing applications, UDP
[Lab 6]. Practice on CDN and DASH
Week 7. Transport layer 2 (textbook: Chapter 3.4-3.5):
reliable of data transfer, TCP
[Lab 7]. Practice on TCP and UDP
Week 8. Transport layer 3 (textbook: Chapter 3.6-3.7):