第十四周:并行处理:SISD, MIMD, SIMD, SPMD and 向量机
Lab 14. 设计并实现支持简单 MIPS 指令的单周期 CPU (1)
Lab 15. 设计并实现支持简单 MIPS 指令的单周期 CPU (2)
Lab 16. 复习与答疑
Lecture 1. Course introduction:
The importance of computer organization, background and computer abstraction
Lab 1. Practice on MIPS simulator (QtSpim, Mars), assembly and run a MIPS demo
Lecture 2. Computer System Performance
Lab 2. Practice on the load and store and arithmetic instruction.
Lecture 3. Instruction Set Architecture 1:
Instruction set architecture, instructions, basic concepts
Lab 3. Practice on the data process in MIPS, including big-endian and small-endian, signed and unsigned data,
practice shift and logic instruction.
Lecture 4. Instruction Set Architecture 2:
Control instructions, procedure call/return
Lab 4. Practice on the branch and jump instruction, practice on switch and loop procession.
Lecture 5. Instruction Set Architecture 3:
MIPS addressing, translating and starting a program, a C sort example, other popular ISAs
Lab 5. Practice on the function and macro, practice the stack and heap
Lecture 6. Arithmetic for computers (Integers):
Addition and subtraction, multiple and division, dealing with overflow
Lab 6. Learn the exception in arithmetic operation, practice how to write a exception handler.
Lecture 7. Arithmetic for computers (floating point numbers):
Addition and subtraction, multiplication and division
Lab 7. Practice on the instruction on float-point data.
Lecture 8. Processor:
Methods for logical design
Lab 8. Using vivado and minisys to develop board, practice a verilog module.