第十六讲 基本算法与数据结构
Syllabus of Theory Couse
Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers, the Internet and the Web
Computers: Hardware and Software
Computer Organization
Operating Systems
Web 2.0
Software Technologies
Chapter 2 Introduction to Java Applications
Java Development Environment
Programming Examples in Java
Primitive Data Types
Arithmetic Computation
Chapter 3 Control Statements
Algorithms and Pseudo Code
Control Structures
Selection Statements if and if…else
Repetition Statements while
Repetition statements for and do…while
Selection statement switch
Break and continue Statements
Logical Operators
Structured Programming
Chapter 4 Arrays and Methods
Data Structure and Arrays
Enhanced for Statement
Multidimensional Arrays
Modular programming
Method declaration and invocation (static methods)
Method call stack
Method overloading (an introduction)
Chapter 5 Introduction to Classes and Objects
Classes, Objects, and Methods
Declaring a Class and Instantiating an Object of a Class
Instance Variables
Initializing Objects with Constructors
Chapter 6 Strings and Wrapper Classes
Fundamentals of Characters and Strings
Class String
Class StringBuilder