The content includes all the following topics below.
Week 1: Basics of Computers and Programs
Hardware and software, Computer Organization
Way of Program, Java Development Environment
First Java Program: Edit, Compile, Run; Debugging
[Lab1]: practice on how to install set and use JDK and eclipse, edit, compile a java source file then make it run.
Week 2: Basic Programming Concepts
Variables, Values, Operations, Expressions, Statements,
Command-Line Arguments, Basic output (System.print & println)
[Lab2]: practice on definition and usage of different type of data, practice on using format description and escape
character while print out, practice on using arguments of main method to get the data while programming begin to run.
Week 3: Basic IO, Control Structures(I): Conditionals and Loops
If statement, while and for statements, Basic IO: Scanner, printf
[Lab3]: practice on operator and expression in java, the difference between the definition and usage of three kind of
structured statement
Week 4: Arrays and Functions (Static Methods)
One-Dimentional array, General usage of arrays;
Concepts of Functions, Modular Programming and Libraries (APIs)
[Lab4]: practice on One-dimensional array, including the length, index, how to use loop to go through all the elements in
an array.
Week 5: Method Overloading & Control Structures(II)
More on functions, overloading, do while loop, for each loop, switch statement
[Lab5]: practice on nested-loop, the usage of break and continue in a loop. Practice on multi-branch statement switch,
the definition and the behavior of it and the usage of break in switch
Week 6: Multi-dimentional Arrays
Two and more dimentional arrays;
java.util.Arrays, java.util.System.tocopy();
[Lab6]: practice on multi-dimensional array, including its definition and usage, practice on the transformation between
array and string, the relationship between one-dementional array and two dimentional array
Week 7: More on I/O, Problem Solving & Algorithm Design
Postfix & Prefix ++/--, Redirection & Piping, StdDraw
Steps in Problem Solving for Programming
[Lab7]: practice on the definition of method, the formal parameter and the actual argument, the method reload
Week 8: ADTs, Using Classes and Objects