1. 听说法(即句型教学法)
2. 认知法
1. Audio-lingual Approach
Each lesson is carried out in the form of conversation, which is learned by imitation, memory and
repetition to cultivate language habits. Vocabulary and sentence patterns are acquired in context and
mastered through repeated practice. The teaching is proceeded in the order of listening, speaking,
reading and writing. Students find the cultural differences between the mother tongue and foreign
language through comparison.
2. Cognitive Approach
The teaching sequence is from language ability to language performance. First, the cognitive structure
is established and certain language rules are understood. Then conditions are created for students to
apply the rules and output the language creatively. The teacher will help students to achieve text
understanding, competence building and comprehensive application of the new language system.
Words/phrases: 唱歌 男 女 孩子 右边 比 便宜 说话 可能 去年 姓 得
妻子 雪 零度 穿 进 弟弟 近
Grammar: Verb Used as Attributive Modifier; The Auxiliary Verb “可能”;
The “比” Sentence; Complements of State
Pronunciation: Intonation of an Alternative Question and Affirmative-
Negative Question
Characters: Chinese radicals
Words/phrases: 着 手 拿 铅笔 班长 笑 宾馆 一直 往 路口 意思 但是
虽然 次玩儿 晴 百
Grammar: The Aspect Particle “ 着 ” 、 “ 过 ”; The Rhetorical Question “ 不
是……吗”; The Preposition “往”; The Pair of Conjunctions “虽
然……但是……”; The Complement of Frequency “次”
Pronunciation: Intonation of Imperative Sentence and Exclamatory Sentence
Characters: Chinese radicals
Words/phrases: 日 新年 票 火车站 大家 更 妹妹 阴
Grammar: “ 要 …… 了 ” Indicating the State of an Action; The Structure
Pronunciation: Intonation of a Question Ending with “吧”和 “吗”
Characters: Chinese radicals
Chinese Culture: The Chinese New Year