2 hours per week, total of 15 weeks
week 1 : Unit 0 (0-4) phonetics part 1 / Unit 1 Lesson 1 : Introducing oneself and someone : greeting, asking for and
telling one's name, surname and nationality
week 2 : Unit 0 (0-4) phonetics part 2 / Unit 1 Lesson 2 : Getting acquainted with someone : asking for and telling one's
nationality, occupation, country of residence
week 3 : Unit 1 Lesson 3 : Numbers / Inquiring about someone : asking for their age, address and phone number
week 4 : Unit 1 Lesson 4 : Looking for a penfriend : talking about one's tastes
week 5 : Unit 2 Lesson 5 : Describing and locating objects
week 6 : Unit 2 Lesson 6 : MIDTERM EXAM/Identifying someone : expressing possession, indicating colors
week 7 : Unit 2 Lesson 7 : Doing shopping : characterizing and object, asking for and telling the price, expressing tastes
week 8 : Unit 1, 2 Lessons 1-7 : Review + talking about French culture / musique
week 9 : Unit 2 Lesson 8 : Understanding a short text : showing and locating people
week 10 : Unit 3 Lesson 9 : Understanding a property advertisement : locating a place on a plan, inquiring about a place
week 11: Unit 3 Lesson 10 : Asking for and giving directions : indicating the means of transportation
week 12 : Unit 3 Lesson 11 : Presenting touristic information : locating a place on a map, giving a piece of advice
week 13: Unit 3 Lesson 12 : Understanding touristic information : describing a place
week 14 : Unit 1-3 Lesson 1-12 : Review and prepare for the test
week 15 : FINAL EXAM