CLE Attendance Policy
Attendance is required for the course. This means you should come to every class.
Absences are counted starting from the first day of Week 4 (after the add/drop period).
From Week 4 onward, you are required to attend all classes.
Each unexcused absence after the course add/drop period will result in the loss of 2% off your Class
Participation for each absence.
4 or more unexcused absences will result in failure of the course.
2% deduction from Class Participation
4% (in total) deduction from Class Participation
6% (in total) deduction from Class Participation
Arriving Late to Class:
Students should arrive to class on time. One late arrival equals ¼ absence. Thus, being late four times results in
one absence. Late arrival includes the beginning of class and returning from breaks.
A late arrival means you arrive within the first 20 minutes. If you are more than 20 minutes late for class on any
day, you will automatically be counted as absent for the day.
Leaving early for more than 20 minutes will also be counted as absent for the day.
If you know in advance that you are going to be late for class, please communicate with the instructor beforehand
so that they are aware of your circumstance.
Excused Absences:
Absences due to illness, attendance at university approved activities, and family or other emergencies can be
considered as excused absences upon approval. In order for them to be excused, valid written documentation (or
online application in e-hall) must be provided to your instructor for his/her approval.
What to do if you need to be absent:
You should follow the SUSTech Regulations on Student Leave. You are responsible for any missed content,
assignments, and homework (regardless of whether the absence is excused or unexcused). When you are aware
that you will be absent, you should apply for leave in advance following the university regulations and email your
instructor immediately to ask for the missed work.