了解单晶 X-射线晶体结构分析的原理和方法,掌握晶体结构分析程序的使用。
To understand the theory and method of single x-ray structural analysis,
Learn how to collect and solve the structures for some simple molecules.
Understand the nature of the diffraction theory in general and the diffractions by crystals;
Look briefly at the single crystal x-ray diffraction technique, including understand the many types of information that can
be obtained by modern crystal structure analysis;
Learn how to solve the structures of some simple molecules;
Learn how to draw the figures via XP, X-Seed, Diamond, CrystalMaker, etc. software;
Understand the physical meaning of the structural parameters;
Be proficient with the nature and format of a structural data necessary for a literature paper.
课程内容及教学日历 (如授课语言以英文为主,则课程内容介绍可以用英文;如团队教学或模块教学,教学日历须注明
Course Contents (in Parts/Chapters/Sections/Weeks. Please notify name of instructor for course section(s), if
this is a team teaching or module course.)