第五章 立体化学
手性;不对称碳原子的(R、 (S)命名;光学活性;外消旋混合物;对映体过量和光学纯度;手性构象的移动系统;没有不
绝对构型和相对构型;非对映异构体的物理性质;对映异构体的拆分。4 个学时
Chapter 6 Alkyl Halides: Nucleophilic Substitution and Elimination
Nomenclature of alkyl halides; Common uses of alkyl halides; Structure of alkyl halides; Physical properties of alkyl
halides; Preparation of alkyl halides; Reactions of alkyl halides: substitution and elimination; Second-order nucleophilic
substitution: The SN2 reaction; Generality of the SN2 reaction; Factors Affecting SN2 reactions: strength of the
nucleophile; Reactivity of the substrate in SN2 reactions; Stereochemistry of the SN2 reaction; First-order nucleophilic
substitution: the SN1 reaction; Stereochemistry of the SN1 reaction; Rearrangements in SN1 reactions; Comparison of
SN1 and SN2 reactions; First-Order elimination: the El reaction; Positional orientation of elimination: Zaitsev's Rule;
Second-order elimination: the E2 reaction; Stereochemistry of the E2 reaction; Comparison of E1 and E2 elimination
mechanisms. 8 credit hours
第六章 卤代烃:亲核取代与消除
反应;二阶亲核取代;SN2 反应:常见的 SN2 反应;影响 SN2 反应的因素;亲核试剂的强度;SN1:SN1 反应的立体化
学;SN1 反应中的重排现象;比较 SN1 和 SN2 反应;一阶消除反应:El 反应:发生消除反应的位置;扎伊采夫规则;二
阶消除反应;E2 反应的立体化学;比较 El 反应和 E2 反应。8 个学时
Chapter 7 Structure and Synthesis of Alkenes
Nomenclature of alkenes; The orbital description of the alkene double bond; Elements of unsaturation; Commercial
importance of alkenes; Stability of alkenes; Physical properties of alkenes; Alkene synthesis by elimination of alkyl
halides; Alkene synthesis by dehydration of alcohols; Alkene synthesis by high-temperature industrial methods. 4 credit
第七章 烯烃的结构与合成
反应生成烯烃;醇脱水合成烯烃;高温工业合成烯烃。4 个学时
Chapter 8 Reactions of Alkenes
Reactivity of the carbon-carbon double bond; Electrophilic addition to alkenes; Addition of hydrogen halides to alkenes;
Addition of water: hydration of alkenes; Hydration by oxymercuration-demercuration; Alkoxymercuration-
demercuration; Hydroboration of alkenes; Addition of halogens to alkenes; Formation of halohydrins; Catalytic
hydrogenation of alkenes; Addition of carbenes to alkenes; Epoxidation of alkenes; Acid-catalyzed opening of epoxides;
Syn hydroxylation of alkenes; Oxidative cleavage of alkenes; Polymerization of alkenes; Olefin metathesis. 8 credit hours
第八章 烯烃的反应
氧化开环反应;烯烃的氢化;烯烃的氧化断裂;烯烃的聚合;烯烃的置换作用。8 个学时
Chapter 9 Alkynes
Nomenclature of alkynes; Physical properties of alkynes; Commercial importance of alkynes; Electronic structure of
alkynes; Acidity of alkynes; Formation of acetylide ions; Synthesis of alkynes from acetylides; Synthesis of alkynes by