The course information as follows may be subject to change, either during the session because of unforeseen
circumstances, or following review of the course at the end of the session. Queries about the course should be
directed to the course instructor.
Instructor(s), Affiliation&
(For team teaching, please list
all instructors)
郑智平 讲席教授,化学系;
许宗祥 副教授,化学系;
钟龙华 副教授,化学系;
权泽卫 教授,化学系;
张元竹 副教授,化学系;
叶青 副教授,化学系;
王阳刚 副教授,化学系;
梁永晔 教授,材料系
Dr. Zhiping Zheng, Chair Professor, zhengzp@sustech.edu.cn, Dept. of Chem.
Dr. Zong-Xiang Xu, Associate Professor, xuzx@sustech.edu.cn, Dept. of Chem.
Dr. Lung Wa Chung, Associate Professor, oscarchung@sustech.edu.cn, Dept. of Chem.
Dr. Zewei Quan, Professor, quanzw@sustech.edu.cn, Dept. of Chem.
Dr. Yuanzhu Zhang, Associate Professor, zhangyz@sustech.edu.cn, Dept. of Chem.
Dr. Qing Ye, Associate Professor, yeq3@sustech.edu.cn, Dept. of Chem.
Dr. Yang-Gang Wang, Associate Professor, wangyg@sustech.edu.cn, Dept. of Chem.
Dr.Yongye Liang, Professor, liangyy@sustech.edu.cn, Dept. of Materials Science and