( 如 面 向 本 科 生 开 放 , 请 注 明 区 分 内 容 。 If the course is open to
undergraduates, please indicate the difference.)
(如 面 向 本 科 生开 放 , 请 注 明 区 分 内容 。 If the course is open to undergraduates, please indicate the
This course aims to train the students to critically evaluate neuronal related technologies and
methodologies, and equip them for a career in neuro-engineering and technology development.
The course also aims to develop the capacity of graduate students to quickly and efficiently
digest scientific literature; to question the underlying assumptions of the work; to evaluate the
potential and limitations of a new technology; to discuss the impact of new discoveries, and
practice for presentation in the class.
(如面向本科生 开放, 请注 明区分 内容。 If the course is open to undergraduates, please indicate the
Lecture, class projects, and students presentation