Course Code/Title
基因组和组学数据分析/Genomics Data Analysis
Course Credit/Hours
Teaching Language
English, with a few Chinese. Textbooks, ppts and examinations are in English
Dr. Wenei JIN, Department of Biology, SUSTech
Prerequisites include a college level mathematics, statistics and molecular
Course Objectives
Course Objectives
Genomics is an interdisciplinary field of biology focusing on the structure, function,
evolution, mapping, and editing of genomes. This subject will help students to understand life
in a whole picture --- functional
genomics, comparative genomics, evolutionary genomics,
transcriptomics, 3D genomics, their interrelations and influence on the organism. Furthermore,
this course emphasize on computational analyses of the genomics. Various existing methods
will be critical
ly described and the strengths and limitations of each will be discussed, with
practical assignments utilizing the tools. It is to train students’ vigorous Scientific Spirit and
inspire their scientific curiosity.
Learning Outcomes
With the completion of this course, The student could
1) Be familiar with the major genomic database and database searching
2) Be familiar with Linux and master at least one programming language
3) Conduct various genomic analysis
4) Analyze next generation sequencing data including DNA-seq, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, single
cell sequencing data.
Teaching Methods
PPT presentation, class discussion, written assignments, computational practice and quizzes
Course Contents
Section 1
I Introduction of Genomics and Basic computational skills (Linux/shell+
Hours: 10
1. Past, Present and Future of Genomics and Course Introduction
1.1 What is genomics?
1.2 The origin and development of genomics
1.3 Present Genomics
1.4 Challenges and future of Genomics
1.5 Course Introduction: Goals, outline, evaluation/examination and learning
2. Linux and Linux commands
2.1 Server and operating systems
2.2 Linux operating system and Open Source Software
2.3 Terminal and basic Linux commands
2.4 File system and server management
2.5 Personal setting
3. Programing language and shell
3.1 Principles of programming languages
3.2 Script languages and bash shell
3.3 Basic shell functions
3.4 I/O Redirection and file descriptors
3.5 Pattern matching in shell
3.6 Biological data analysis: Modularization and pipeline
4. Programming language Python
4.1 The features of Python
4.2 Data types and variable
4.3 Control structures
4.4 Functions and procedures
4.5 Classes & instances
4.6 Modules & packages
5. R Language Statistics and Drawing
5.1 Quick start R
5.2 Basic principles and concepts
5.3 Data operation in R (Vectors, matrices, arrays, data frames)
5.4 Plot figures
5.5 Statistical Analysis of R
5.6 Function definition and programing
5.7 packages
Section 2
II Basic sequence analysis
Hours: 6
6 Pairwise sequence alignments
6.1 Sequence change over time
6.2 Pairwise sequence comparisons
6.3 Dynamic programming alignment
6.3.1 Global alignment (Needleman-Wunsch)
6.3.2 Local alignment (Smith-Waterman)
6.4 Sequence Similarity Searching
6.4.1 FASTA Algorithm
6.4.2 BLAST Algorithm
7. Multiple Sequence Alignment and Phylogenetics
7.1 Significance of multiple sequence alignment
7.2 Progressive Alignment (ClustalW)
7.3 Basics of phylogeny: Characters, traits, nodes, branches, lineages
7.4 Molecular clock and modeling sequence evolution
7.5 Distances and clustering algorithm: UPGMA and Neighbor Joining (NJ)
7.6 From sequence alignments to trees: Parsimony methods
7.7 Probability based approach: Maximum likelihood methods
Section 3
III Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and cancer genomics
Hours: 8
1. NGS and Short reads mapping
Introduction to Genomic Technologies
From Sanger sequencing to NGS
Principles of NGS: Massive parallel sequencing
Features of NGS data: Short reads
Uses Trie structure (Trie and Suffix Array) to search a reference genome
BurrowsWheeler transformBWT)
2. Variant calling and output
Genetic variants: structure variants, SNV, CNV
SAM format for mapped reads
Approaches for variants calling
VCF format for saving called variants
3. Cancer genomics and single cell cancer genomics
Calling variants in cancer genomics
Single cell cancer genomes
Tumor microevolution
Section 4
IV Transcriptomic and epigenomic analysis
Hours: 10
1.Gene expression profiling and RNA-seq
Whats the advantage of RNA-seq compared with microarray?
What factors should we consider for RNA-seq data normalization?
Whats the advantage of single cell sequencing over bulk cells?
2. Single cell RNA-seq
Cellular heterogeneity
Single cell RNA-seq technologies
Distinct cell populations
Pseudo-time inference
3. Epigenome and data anlysis
Definition of epigenetics?
How to detect genome-wide DNA methylation?
How to detect genome-
wide nucleosome positioning and chromatin
How to identify genome-wide TF binging sites? How to do the peak calling?
What is Hi-C? How to identify the significant interaction
4. Single cell epigenomics
5. Gene Ontology and enrichment analysis
Gene ontology (GO) program
Structure of GO
Gene annotation in GO
GO/pathway enrichment analysis
Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)
Section 5
V Population Genomics and association study
Hours: 12
1. Haplotype and linkage disequilibrium
What is Haplotype?
What is linkage disequilibrium?
Calculation of linkage disequilibrium
Complete LD and perfect LD
Recombination rate and LD block
2. Population genomics
Effective population size (Ne)
The major forces shaping population
Population substructure
Measure population structure (F-statistics)
Approaches for analysis of population structure
Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA)
Dimensionality reduction
Model based approaches
3. Approaches for natural selection detection
Divergence rate and phylogenetic shadowing
Changed function-altering mutation, e.g., dN/dS or KN/KS
Polymorphism deviating from interspecies divergence e.g. Hudson-Kreitman-
Aguade (HKA) test and McDonald-Kreitman (MK) test
Changed allele frequency spectrum e.g., Tajimas D
Increased derived allele frequencies
Extended haplotype homozygosity (EHH), e.g., iHS
Locus-specific population differentiation, e.g., FST
Biased ancestry contribution in admixed population.
Composite strategies. e.g. combine multiple factors and Likelihood-ratio test
4. Genomics and evolution theory
Evolution is a unifying theme in biology
History of evolutionary thought
Darwins Four Postulates
1) Individuals within species vary.
2) Some variations are heritable.
3) More offspring are produced than can survive
4) Survival and reproduction are nonrandom
Modern evolutionary theory
5. Genomics and human evolution
Classic approaches for study human evolution
Human origin models
Mitochondrial and Y-chromosome detailed Out of African theory
Genomic approach revolutionized our understanding of human evolution
Human origin model based on genomic data
Human migration and natural selection
6.Gene mapping for identifying disease associated variants
Linkage analysis for rare disease/Mendelian diseases
Genetic model for complex disease:
1) Common disease common variant (CDCV),
2) Common disease rare variant (CDRV)
Methods for identifying disease associated variants
1) Family based association study
2) Case control based association study
3) Association study based on next generation sequencing (NGS)
Challenge in identifying disease associated variants
Section 6
VI Genomics and Big data
Hours: 2
Accumulation of genomic data
Clustering algorithms
1) Hierarchical agglomerative clustering
2) Partitioning methods
Two approaches for dimensionality reduction (Feature Selection and feature
Linear reduction
1) Principal component analysis (PCA)
2) Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
3) Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS)
Non-linear reduction
1) t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding t-SNE
2) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP)
Section 7
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10
Course Assessment
Total score 100
Attendance 10
Class Performance 20
Assignments 20
Mid-term Exam 20
Final Presentation/Exam 30
I encourage you to ask questions during the class, and you will get credit of Class Performance.
Textbook and Supplementary Readings
Reference books:
Introduction to Genomics. Arthur M. Lesk. Oxford University Press; 3 edition. ISBN-10: 0198754833.
Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics. Jonathan Pevsner. Wiley-Blackwell; 3 edition. ISBN-
Medical Genetics And Genomics, Csaba Szalai, ISBN: 9789632791876
Will have some docs at the beginning of the course