Lecture 1: Protein engineering for research and technological applications: Aims and
strategies, rational design, directed evolution & de novo design of proteins, prerequisites
Lecture 2: Tagging proteins for purification, detection and functional analysis: Epitope tags,
enzymatic tags, fluorescent protein tags, interaction tags,
Seminar 1 (L1/2)
Lecture 3: Engineering proteins to modify function and to improve stability: Kinetic stability,
thermodynamic stability and process stability. Considerations for preproduction,
and postproduction pipelines.
Lecture 4: Engineering cellular functions in eukaryotic cells: Design of logical gates for
information processing: NOT. NOR, S-R latch via promotor/transcription factor engineering
to control morphogenetic modules.
Seminar 2 (L3/4)
Lecture 5: Protein expression in eukaryotic cells: Principles of synthesis, folding and
processing of proteins in eukaryotic cells, considerations and prerequisites for establishing
protein expression strategies for soluble proteins, type I and type II membrane proteins
for multi-spanning membrane proteins.
Lecture 6: Protein sorting and transport in eukaryotic cells. Prerequisites for successful
targeting of engineered proteins to intracellular locations. Protein sorting mechanisms
soluble /membrane proteins, receptor transport, vesicle-mediated intracellular
transport. Selective protein targeting strategies.
Seminar 3 (L5/6)
Lecture 7: Design and use of quantifiable and fluorescent marker and reporter proteins to
analyse protein-protein interactions and protein function in eukaryotic cells. T
expression systems in eukaryotic cells, transfection methods, protein expression and knock-
down strategies, expression of dominant-negative deletion/substitution mutants and protein-
protein interaction analysis.
Lecture 8: Generation of specific polyclonal antibodies. Structure and function of IgG
antibodies, cloning, expression and purification of antigens for immunizations,
characterization of immune sera and antibody specificity.
Seminar 4 (L7/8)
Lecture 9: Strategic use of specific antibodies to analyse protein location, function and
protein-protein interactions. Antibody-based analyses: Immune fluorescence microscopy
immune electron microscopy, immune precipitation, co-immune precipitation, SDS-PAGE,
cell identification and cell sorting.
Lecture 10: Designing vector systems for fast and efficient generation of N-/C-terminal
fusion proteins for signal-peptide/sorting signal-containing proteins for
generating complex multidomain fusion proteins.
Lecture 11: Nanobodies: generation, structure and function of nanobodies. Nanobody-based
applications in research, diagnostics and therapeutics. Engineering strategies to enhance
nanobody-epitope interactions. Strategies for epitope mapping and nanobody-
interaction analysis for in vivo applications.
Lecture 12: Design of Nanobody and epitope-tagged fusion proteins for assembly and
intracellular targeting of proteins complexes in eukaryotic cells by nanobodies-
interaction. Strategies for post-translational protein labelling, intracellular targeting,