Teaching in both Chinese and English. Basic concepts, theories and facts are delivered through teaching.
Students work in groups to discuss the latest progress in the field of epigenetics research.
1. 历史和总介/History and Overview/3 hours
2. 组蛋白修饰/Histone Modifications (Writers, Readers and Erasers)/3 hours
3. 组蛋白变体/Histone Variants/3 hours
4. DNA 甲基化/DNA Methylation/3 hours
5. 转录沉默机制/Transcriptional Silencing/3 hours
6. 基因组印记/Genomic Imprinting/3 hours
7. 剂量补偿/Dosage Compensation/3 hours
8. 核小体重塑/Nucleosome Remodeling/3 hours
9. 长程染色质相互作用/Long-Range Chromatin Interactions/3 hours
10. RNA 和染色质状态/RNA and Chromatin State/3 hours
11. 植物中的表观调控/Epigenetic Regulation in Plant/3 hours
12. 模式生物中的表观遗传/Epigenetics in Model Systems/3 hours
13. 表观遗传和细胞诱导多能性/Epigenetics and Induced Pluripotency/3 hours
14. 表观遗传和免疫/Epigenetics and Immunity/3 hours
15. 表观遗传和人类疾病/Epigenetics and Human Disease/3 hours
文献报告/Literature Research and Presentation/10%
期中考试/Midterm Examination/30%
期末考试/Final Examination/40%