B-cell receptor expression
T-cell receptor genes and expression
8.MHC and Antigen Presentation (4 hours)
The structure and function of MHC molecules
General organization and inheritance of the MHC
The role of the MHC and expression patterns
The endogenous pathway of antigen processing and presentation
The exogenous pathway of antigen processing and presentation
Cross-presentation of exogenous antigens
Presentation on nonpeptide antigens
9.T- and B-Cell Development (3 hours)
Early thymocyte development
Positive and negative selection
Lineage commitment
Exit from the thymus and final maturation
Other mechanisms that maintain self-tolerance
The site of hematopoiesis
B-cell development in the bone marrow
The development of B-1 and marginal-zone B cells
Comparison of B- and T-cell development
10.T- and B-Cell Activation, Differentiation and Memory (3 hours)
T-cell activation and the two signal hypothesis
T-cell differentiation
T-cell memory
T-dependent B-cell responses
T-independent B cell responses
Negative regulation of B cells