Computational biology is an interdisciplinary subject that uses mathematical, computer science and statistical methods to
solve biological problems. This subject mainly focuses on using biological data to develop models to understand
biomedical issues. It is a practical, hands-on tool to study genetics, evolution, genomics, epidemiology and systems
biology. It is a mandatory course for Bioinformatics major, and elective course for all other majors related to biology. It is
designed to help students to understand the major issues concerning genomics, analysis of sequence, biological
database, disease associated gene and evolution. Various existing methods will be critically described and the strengths
and limitations of each will be discussed, with practical assignments utilizing the tools. It is to train students’ vigorous
Scientific Spirit and inspire their scientific curiosity. Prerequisites include an introductory molecular biology course or
permission of the instructor.
(1)熟悉计算生物学领域常用数据分析方法。掌握生物信息常用 linux 命令,序列比对原理和方法,数据降维和聚类的原
With the completion of this course, the students will
(1) Understand the common data analytical approaches in computational biology. Master the Linux commands
commonly used in bioinformatics, the principles and methods of sequence alignment, the principles and methods of data
dimensionality reduction and clustering, and the principles and methods of evolutionary analysis.
(2) Develop the capability of independently analyzing biological sequence data
(3) Become more interested in computational biology. Understand the characteristics, driving forces and prospects of
computational biology.