1. 课程总介绍 General Introduction (学时 Hours:四小时 4h)
1). 课程及学科介绍 Introduction of developmental biology
2). 研究历史(核移植,转基因,极地动物)及演化意义 The developmental biology study history (nuclear transplant,
transgenesis,adaptation of extreme weather, etc.) and developmental evolution
2. 早期发育 Early development (学时 Hours:二十小时 20h)
1). 早期发育-1(连体胚胎之谜) Early embryogenesis-1(the mystery of conjoined twin)
2). 早期发育-2 (形态素及其作用机制,半个世纪寻找诱导因子的努力及结果,体轴的建立)Early embryogenesis-2
(morphogen,transduction of morphogen,establishing A-P and D-V axes of body,search for the inducers)
3). 神经发育-1 (神经诱导,神经管 D-V 轴建立,后脑分化-结节化 )Neural development-1 (neural induction,
D-V patterning in the neural tube,segmentation of the hindbrain)
4). 神经发育-2 (轴突导向的调节,神经嵴和前基板外胚层构成了第四个胚层,内耳的发育)Neural development-2
(Axon guidance,the 4th germ layer:the neural crest and pre-placodal ectoderm,the development of inner ear)
5). 中 内 胚 层 ( 体 节 形 成 的 机 制 , 心 脏 发 育 与 再 生 ) Mesoderm and endoderm( Development of somite, heart
development and regeneration)
6). 中内胚层(心血管发育,其他内脏器官发育)Mesoderm and endoderm(Cardiovascular development,development
of other internal organs)
7).左右不对称发育 Left-right asymmetry
3. 模式动物 Model animals (学时 Hours:五小时 5h)
1). 秀丽隐杆线虫(历史,研究优势,诺奖级工作)Worm (History of C.elegans,research advantages of the worm,
achievements of worm research )
2). 果蝇(简介,与脊椎动物的巨大差异和研究优势,对分子遗传学和发育遗传学的贡献)Fly(Brief history,comparison
with vertebrates, research advantages, contribution to molecular and developmental genetics)
3). 斑马 鱼(斑马鱼 研究起源, 优势和劣势 ,对发育生 物学的贡献 )Zebrafish (History of research,similarity and
difference with frog models,contribution to developmental biology,recent exciting and convincing progress)
4. 肢体发育及再生 Limb development and regeneration biology (学时 Hours:八小时 8h)
1). 肢体发育(肢芽诱导、形成,三个轴向的确定与发育/分化,重要调节信号参与)Limb development process (Limb bud
formation, establishing P-D, A-P and D-V axes of a limb and the underlying regulatory mechanisms, signaling
molecules critical for the proper limb development )
2). 两栖类 肢 体 再 生研 究 (再生 现 象 , 研 究方法 的 演 进 ,重要 概 念 更 新)Limb regeneration( Phenomenon of limb
regeneration,novel research tools, conceptual changes)
3). 模式系统研究再生(研究再生的经典与现代体统或动物,调节再生的规律或基本原则,细胞死亡与再生)Regeneration
in model systems( Classical model animals and systems for regeneration study ,general rules of regeneration, cell
death and regeneration)
4). 再生与干细胞(胚胎干细胞或全能细胞可以直接用于再生医学吗?模式动物的研究结果可以直接用于再生医学研究